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Hey everybody...

Been a long time.  Well I've been having a hair-pulling time here.  In the previous animation the shrink-wrapping process involved lots of manual adjusting of the skin to keep it hovering above the muscle.  I knew that since this animation is roughly 4500 frames long, that would not be a good option.  So I dug in to find a more automated solution to the process.

I found it.  But it wasn't until I had tried five failed approaches.  That was a lot of time..  I'm not going to say "wasted" because now I have this new dependable means and I can apply it to this animation and all future animations.  But it certainly took more time than I would have preferred.  Quite stressful too!

The working process is really quite complex.  I won't bore you with how it works but it's a 4-phase process for each body part.

So anyway things are once again moving forward..  Holy Mary mother of Mary's kid this animation is taking a long time!  It's like I invented the wheel for Naomi's first animation and then I had to re-invent it to work the bugs out of the wheel.

I'll give you more frequent updates as I pound out the remaining body parts as we approach render-time.  Thanks so much for your patience.  I really feel this one will be worth the wait.  Stay tooned!


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