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I am continuing to un-fuck my life, so expect a bunch more art soon! There's a couple old colour rewards coming up and a handful of sketches on that front, along with some personal art. Hopefully clearing my plate for new commissions for Autumn too, with set price/auction YCH's and the return of commission tiers here (at least to some degree.)

Might try writing some vignette stories off the sketch request ideas too, in addition to skjetching; it seems like a fun thing to do and I need to practice some writing!


As for the sketches! Anyone subbed here can post a suggestion for a sketch, and I'll pick a couple of them a month to draw;

  • Please keep the requests relatively simple with one or two characters involved and a situation that's along the lines of anything I normally draw.

  • Please no personal OCs! A quick description without visual references should be enough for me to draw it by, but feel free to specify things about the human/person/creature in the request. Canon characters (like from MLP, Helluva Boss, etc...) are perfectly okay too.

  • If I didn't pick your idea last time, feel free to post it here again! There's always way more awesome ideas than I can possibly draw

Add a heart to any other comments you see that you particularly like, to give me an idea what you all are most into! <3



Smolder UDTFed into Gilda could look nice~


Loona and stella from Helluva Boss perma taped like cat and dog from an old cartoon