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I think about new adopt auction and want to make new character for it. What do you think? And what kind of character you would like to see in my style? It means only for insect/arachnid, hubrids, monsters, demonic and xeno characters!



Моль, как и чёрная вдова - бесподобны :3 Насекомые - звучит интересно, почему-то мне захотелось увидеть гибрид какого-нибудь насекомого с морским скатом, думаю, это было бы интересно. Надеюсь, я правильно понял мысль поста :3


personally im not really into demons but it would be nuce to get some diversity and have more bugs


I like all of these designs personally. I like the second to last design here the most and also the manticore is pretty cool.


Hard to pick I like all these options.

Sepes Owlcat

Demons would be cool.