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For starters I want to thank everyone for their patience as things have been a bit of a mess on my side last few weeks. I do hope a 2 week skedual allows me to keep content coming without feeling stressed out. But I can't help but admit I feel like I may have let some people down in some way. 

Reguardless I put a lot of effort into this one trying to recreate the feel of Fate Grand Order. I know it may not be everyones favorite series but I'm a big fan and it was the first video I ever created one afternoon. But it was bad, like REALLY bad. But I'm really glad I attmpted it again with everthing I learned these last few months.

This does raise a question, would you all be interested in other video stories focused on specific characters or do your only want original material like Sissy Best Friend / Sissy Isekai. Let me know down below.

Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pnptecjz69rmb5ci9lkjm/Mash-Addiction.mp4?rlkey=0yure2s5uin7t42i4ullhpxu0&dl=0 




I really enjoyed the video, worth the wait. Personally, I would be interested if there are some video stories that include characters from video games or anime. Hopefully there could be one with Rin Tohsaka in the future.


Honestly I love all of your content so basically whatever you do I'm into. I wouldn't turn down a persona 5 themed one, though :3


I like this kind of stuff more