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Third times the charm. Everytime I uploaded I noticed an issue and had to fix it so sorry about that. First it was missing some Patreon supporters and then it was an entire layer not showing. So a couple of oopsies but things SHOULD be fixed now. 

Anyway I practiced with shakes and new effects with this video. I think this might be one of my favorite projects I worked on so far and I hop you all enjoy it too. I put everything I've learned so far and I think this project came out really well. 

Also next video I plan on making will be another Patreon Exclusive so look forward to hearing more about that in the coming days.

Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/74qowxaknl807q3syk5tn/Sissy-Isekai.mp4?rlkey=jzkzxrako5y200x2b7063bd4a&dl=0



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