(Patreon Exclusive) Cock Focused Female Censored (Patreon)
You voted and I obey. Congradulations to CFFC for winning the first ever poll here on our patreon page. But for those who voted for other options, don't worry. Those topics are still on the table for future projects so look forward for more.
I'm still trying to find my favorite way to make videos for you all but I'm so greatful for everyone who is showing me support as we are just starting on this adventure. I can't say how much your support means to me but I hope this video can at least show how much I appreciate you all.
And as part of that, this will be the first Patreon Exclusive Video I share and I expect ever one in four videos will be exclusive to the patreon page for you all to enjoy.
Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hsq7jdl65ptdvgjk1l6eh/CFFC.mp4?rlkey=z2r98b023u210r5vhd8vh4nk1&dl=0