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This is a completely new Session plugin built from scratch (although I have recycled the name from an old and now obsolete plugin - hence why it is v2). It facilitates easier loading and searching of plugins, by allowing users to filter plugins by various criteria:

  • Creator - based on the VAR that the plugins is packaged in.
  • Type of atom the plugin can be loaded onto. This is user configurable, but I have pre-populated the plugin type for many commonly used plugins
  • Tags - user definable labels that can be assigned to plugins.

Additionally, plugins and creators can be marked as concealed (i.e. hidden) or preferred (i.e. favourite).

Integration with AcidBubbles KeyBindings allows for quick access to the Load and Find Plugins screens.

There is help embedded within the plugin. Load PluginAssist as a session plugin (recommend that you set it to load on VAM start).

It takes ~3 seconds (on my system) to catalogue all my plugins (over a 1000 separate plugins) when PluginAssist first loads. If anyone is finding this takes significantly longer, then please let me know.




THIS is fu@king genius! Looks like ANOTHER JayJayWon plugin is gonna be joining my session plugins starting lineup! One of the things i hate most about the VAM UI / experience is it can be incredibly difficult to find what your looking for...even when you KNOW where it is! This is especially true when your still figuring VAM out. Now that I know what I am doing (for the most part) I can usually find what im looking for, now it just takes FOREVER and is always frustrating, and occasionally infuriating! (Every time I click to open ANYTHING in vam: UI button, folder, file, etc, there is like a 2-4 second freeze/pause before it registers and continues. Not to mention how long it takes to open an actual scene/plugin demo. And this is on a VERY POWERFUL 12-core machine!! I cant and do not want to imagine what the experience must be like on a older machine! YUCK!) Anways!! My point is all of this non-responsive slowness-filled frustration makes it incredibly difficult to browse through, discover, and try out plugins you have downloaded and have been wanting to load and try out. Sounds like this plugin is going to be a HUGE help!