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Bishop Bonanza starts now. First up is the Clint.

Here's a mech I fought to have booted off the last kickstarter, only to have to drop back in my list haha. It's such a boring mech in our sea of veritech originating designs.
But here it is, with our usual process of Bishop delivering an idea and me nudging it somewhere.






Bishop is legend


I would’ve fought to have it in the KS. I love these things!


Aside from downplaying the ears and a general beefing up not much has changed. Which is good, because I already liked the Clint's looks.


I like it. No sweeping changes, just some solid 2021 aesthetics for a mech that’s permanently relegated to op for duty.


I know what you're thinking. 'Did he fire 20 shots or only 19'? Well to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I kind of lost track myself. But being that this is an AC5, the most mediocre gun in the Inner Sphere, and might scratch your head armor, you've got to ask yourself one question: "do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, Punk?


Whelp, it's ugly as all hell, so a fair update

Theodore Lehman

Whenever I think of the Clint, I think "lesser Centurion," which I'm aware isn't very fair of me because they have very different battlefield roles.


It’s mediocrity makes it special. Nice to see it in the list. This and the Enforcer just scream under the radar mechs to me.


I like the Clint because it’s simple.


I like it! Let the Bonanza Begin! Que the music! According to my spreadsheets the Hermès II and Whitworth closes out the 3025 40 tonners!!! 😉


well, I can promise you.. I have done {redacted by NDA} ......


YES !!!


Everyone laughs at the Clint until you start using quirks.

Steven Cross

Lovely stuff, its lacking its absurd bunny ears but otherwise looks very much like a nice, modern update of it, and would probably lend itself very easily into coversion in the Clint IIC as well.


I like it! It's never been a pretty mech, but I have a soft spot for it; it feels very appropriate for my Taurian force. I also like AC/5s a little more than most... the range means it starts hitting when the medium lasers are still missing, and the illogical part of my brain remembers that. I don't think we'd mind more radical departures if you're worried about boredom. This is good, though. All the character, less of the awkwardness. I still think the lower CT is a weird place for weapons =p.

Andrew McKenna

I would definitely recommend you guys go with the double large laser variant. However, I love this thing. I have no played with the Clint as much as I would like as it has great movement and is well armored.


I'm mildly amused at the fact that it has mandibles, and thus looks like a bug 'Mech despite not being a bug 'Mech, lol.


I always loved this boy. It is so simple, yet shockingly effective if you take full advantage of its range and agility.


I agree that it is a "boring" 'mech, but it is so commonly found that it needed to be done. I like that it looks like it inspired the Enforcer's design.


The 98 honda civic of battlemechs


It looks good, but I agree that it is a very boring design. Would have been nice if you guys had been allowed to punch up some of these boring designs to give them a bit more flair while not breaking the record sheets. Have the AC5 look more like a revolver or something wild like that.


truth be told I pushed back against punching them up. There are Ferraris, and there are ford pick up trucks. If every mech were a Ferrari, I think it would be boring. I had to fight to be able to make the Enforcer the "bland workman mech" that it is. A Phoenix Hawk? Ferrari. Enforcer? Army Jeep Clint: Honda Civic Assassin: Honda CRV Etc. Different is good. Sometimes ugly is the goal.


The Clint has always had a special place in my heart.


I've always like this design. I too wish the CT ML was high up on the torso...but this revision does honor to the original. The Clint is a feared opfor unit in our games with a few players vowing to pilot one next campaign. AC-5 or PPC with that mobility makes for an excellent flanker/harasser. Can't wait to see the mini pics. Speaking of those...Vulcan? Dervish? Ostroc? Keep up the excellent work guys!


The Clint is a little generic, but I like the updates to the body and weapons, I kind of wish the head still had a bit of a neck to separate it from the torso.


I love the Clint, and this version looks great! Can’t wait to get the new Lance packs!


Yay! I love any 'Mech design that's humanoid with a big gun arm and one with hand actuators. I know it's not a great 'Mech, but I'm happy to see the Clint get some love :D


Dervish has been posted. A ways back? I forget when exactly


Vulcan was posted June 16th and Dervish was posted July 1st


This looks like a proper working man’s mech. I love it!


The 3D models? That's I meant by "mini-pics". I don't recall seeing those, only the artwork?


Hearing the words Bishop Steiner and Clint together is such a "ahh of course" moment. A lovely design, sadly not a mech I've ever really used myself, but I do appreciate the decision to keep the mech a more rugged, simple design. Some of my favourite mechs are ugly mechs after all.


I've always had a warm spot for this mech since first reading about in in TRO:3025 back in the early 90s. Great work and I'm looking forward to the plastic mini!


Good Morning, I am sure people would love seeing the 3d model of the Scorpion, I interested in seeing how it fits on the hex base!


It's true. I can safely say of the 3025 TRO forty tonners... The Clint us dead last in my interest level. Even the Cicada, in it's badness, is more interesting. Pretty much everything about the Clint just mumbles... "Beige", lol But someone didn't gimme an option to do the Cicada, Hermes II or Whitworth, instead, it was "do Beige Mech or nothing" *put upon sigh* 😉


I for one am thrilled to see the Clint get a redesign. I really love these workhorse mechs, and I've held off on buying them only because their designs are a little bit on the "dated' side.


Late to the game here, but I love it. The longest running campaign I’ve ever played in was my randomly rolled, hardscrabble Merc unit consisting of a Clint, a Scorpion, a Vulcan and a Javelin. Had to carefully choose contracts and never managed to salvage anything useful, but damn I loved that Lance. I fully plan to recreate it once these are available individually. Top shelf work, guys.


It has a bit of an intimidating aura to it this time, like the gun barrel is so large, that it seems like a AC-10 instead of an AC-5 which I think is a good thing to me, and something that makes sense.