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This is one that needs to be shown off. Another Bishop passion piece. Though this one is very very up there in the "most designed by committee" list. 5 pairs of hands on.
-Ben handed in a concept.
-I dug up an older concept of his and gave feedback on that instead :D
-Ben did a combined revision of our favorite parts.
-I did further drawover revision.
-Showed the bosses the concept and old revisions, plus other sources.
-We get back a laundry list of mix and match requests D:
-Revisions are made.
-Revisions need revisions, need revisions.
-A final as you see here is reached.

Bishop and I reeeeeally wanted to give this one more cockpit glass, almost half bubble, but got veto'd on that. That aside we're all pretty happy with the result.

What do you think of it? Would you have liked to see more glass?



Andrew Dickinson

I like it, but I feel the cockpit should be more bubble like - not necessarily more glass, just pushed further forward - that always seemed a defining feature of the 'scarecrow' mech


It looks good and I like it. I also feel that it could get more glass.


Vote for the bubble! Give me more WW II glass bomber cockpits!


More glass. Definitely. The rest looks great, but there’s a missed opportunity for character here.


Very interesting work there. Nice redesign

Andrew Bethards

I like it as is, had a wicked mischievous smile


Looks great 👍


funnily enough if you compare it to the gallery of TRO shots on Sarna? This Cockpit bubble is farther forward than any of them. The TRO 3050 art comes closest and has some perspective skew making it appear more so than it is, but even it's not quite this far forward. The extra structure though might also make it look less exposed than on say the 3050 version. I was pretty much the sole vote fore a more exposed linkage, etc. *shrugs* To the best of my knowledge about the only version pushed even more forward, are my fan art versions.


Awesome! I like it a lot.


Much improved!


Looks great. Getting closer to a Firestarter hopefully. I think more glass would have been cooler too.


sad ya can't show Bowl Face... t'was glorious!


I think more cockpit glass would be cool, but I'm not sure it necessarily *needs* it. This is a great update on the design—the original always looked a little bit like two separate mechs stuck together, and this one unifies them nicely.


Some of these designs reallllllllllly need to look weirder, wilder, and more distinctive. I get the desire for a unified design language, but with literally hundreds of 'Mechs to redesign, there's a very real danger of designs looking too similar to each other. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the new designs; I'm just starting to see a lot of similar or even interchangeable looks. (In this case, a big huge ball of cockpit glass would make the Vulcan immediately distinguishable on the tabletop.) Just my $.02, though (and TBH, my main worry is what's going to happen to the gloriously weird and alien 3067 designs like the Lobo if this homogenization trend continues unabated).


best tweak by far is the covering of the oversized ball and socket joints on the shoulders. I also love the square flamer barrel and the beefy search light, something needed for an Anti Infantry/Anti Materiel Mech the Vulcan historically pruports to be. I am not so hot on the shrouded rotary machine gun concept, and could have done with an even thinner visor, but those are small complaints. I would not mind seeing this evolved into a Stag re work, more for curiosity's sake.


since all of the designs so far have had common lineages, visa vie the SLDF or the Clan's Omnimech program, the commonalituy makes sense. after all the SLDF Unified Battlemech Manufacturing standards to a point that it made some designs like the Alfar obsolete, and made mechs so easy to salvage and slap together that allowed the succession wars to bleed out for so long.


another possibility, though it would break 30 Plus years of precident on the mech. what about a vertically oriented strip of cockpit canopy. Again as a counter insurgency/Anti Infantry Mech, the pilot would need to spend a lot of time looking lower then most mechwarriors. a Visor that goes from 12 o clock to 6 o clock would facilitate that.


hence the reason for my fishbowl originally. Eyeballs register movement better than sensors do. But barring that, the PTBs requested something akin the original "Discovery One" cockpit of the original. Truth be told, the biggest issue we already encountered on this design was too many cooks in the kitchen. There is a reason "Design by committee" is never used as a sign of quality. This was one of 3 designs I was most keen to do, and I dare say I had the clearest vision/goal for it. What I got was 4 layers of often contradicting feedback that I had to balance and pick and choose which elements actually worked together as a whole, vs complaints/suggestions that mostly worked only in a vacuum. But such is life. I don't own these designs, so while I might do some cussing under my breath (or occasionally loudly, lol), I just really only get majorly irked when the feedback either makes no sense (which has happened) or is largely contradictory (also happens). Usually it's pretty clear and simple, but occasionally you get a situation with multiple strong but divergent opinions. Now if only I could get them to settle it in a Circle of Equals first then the winner sends the feedback...... :P


It's not a rotary gun, just a single barrel. That was done specifically to remove the abjectly silly "peppergrinder" versions like in TRO 3050 Upgrade, but without relegating the whole forearm to the shrunken gimped "thing" the MWO version has.


Well, if you guys design the 3d model wisely one could simply paint the plates beneath the real cockpit as even more cockpit. I like this one, but im not unhappy to have of bishops "old" vulcans in my mech storage.


I gotta say - I like it. And I just wrote a Vulcan into the unit my players are going to be taking out in a Destiny/Battletech campaign soon. So, comparing the ball cockpit to the Loose version, it does look like the visored strip look seen here is a callback to the original, but when I imagine what "more cockpit glass" would look like in my head I end up seeing a WWII ball turret... and I kinda dig it. The Vulcan is an anti-infantry design, so having the extra visibility for the Mark I Eyeball up close - and especially down - would be really useful to the MechWarrior. All in all, I'm loving these design updates.


yeah you are pretty close on the Ball Turret bit. I have a fair few piece on FB and my DA page both "vulcans" and "fearbringers" showing the concept.


Love this! Extra vis with glass on bottom of cockpit would have been my suggestion too


Always been one of my favorites. This does the Vulcan justice and keeps the feel of the original. One of my first minis back in the 80s. There’s a story about that on the HMP forums...


Lean and hungry! I like it, so when are you going to show the Hermes II ?


Would really love to see Bishop's fishbowl cockpit on this one. I thought that really gave it some flavor and was very cool looking. Reminded me of an old B-17 ball-turret. Was my favorite part of his redesign.


So how many of the original 3025/3050 mechs are left to be redesigned at this point?


........er..... some? Depends what you define as 3025/3050 mechs, I guess especially if all the peripheral stuff like the Wolf Dragoons Mechs, the downtech'd 2750 designs, etc.... If you mean actual TRO 3025/3050, I don't know the exact numbers but I believe we are getting close. If you mean TRO 3039/3050 Upgrade, 3025 Succession Wars? Uh... definitely more. lol.


well maybe if y'all say it loud enough we can get a "Vulcan II" version someday? (doubtful, but a lad can dream)


Never been a fan of the Flame mechs, they always looked so scrawny and unstable. This is a much improved version of the Vulcan.


Just be gentle when you redo the Imp, I have a few in my Wolfs Dragoon’s and my opponents show it the respect it is due by firing every mech they have at it. 😉


wonder what gets revealed next? One of Anthony's? Harris? Another of mine? Not even sure what else is on deck (aside from the ones I did TBH) and ready, ATM


I know it's a later design than most that have been a part of this project, but is there any chance the Perseus might get a touch-up at some point? It REALLY needs it.


I have been very good all year. Can I PLEASE get a Quickdraw redesign, soon? :p


Beautiful. Good job, Bishop and Sword. :)


so what you are asking for is some one to quickly draw... a quickdraw? :P


if the Powers That Be will it, it will be. We don't pick the Gobots, we just draw em.


I feel it isn't popular enough and distinct enough from the Orion to warrant such a redesign. Just gotta proxy the new plastic :P


IDK Anthony... I mean we got a IIC, etc.. which really isn't appreciably distinctive either... whereas ALL the Perseus art and minis are certifiably diSTINKtive.. ;)


Up-ton it to 45 tons. Swap the AC and MG locations. Make the AC a RAC2. Make the Flamer a plasma rifle. Make the MG a LMG. Drop the engine down a size and moving to a light fusion, making it 5/8/5. Light FF armor. Yes. Yessssss.


I think it's great as-is!


kinda make more sense to keep the MG in the arm as it's a helluva lot easier to track small things like infantry without having to swing your whole torso around.