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Hey everyone!

Since this is another important dev update, all patrons get to enjoy this wallpaper :)

I was hoping to do a video going in detail on our future plans today, but unfortunately I may have tonsillitis or something similar as my throat is in a lot of pain and I can barely talk, so that video will have to wait till I'm better.

To give you a rough idea:

- We are currently going thoroughly through all feedback we got for this act: Patreon surveys, Patreon comments, discord messages, steam reviews and the recent survey I posted on steam.

- Meanwhile we're also working hard on save transfers, they are currently coded and in beta testing, once we've ironed out all bugs, we'll release them in a patch to Patreon and Steam, hopefully sometime next week

- We plan on using most of May to work on an improved version of CK2 Act I based on our insights from the feedback. One of the biggest issues aside from the lack of save transfers and bugs (which will be ironed out by next week) was the lack of story cohesion and a proper ending.

- CK2 Act I wasn't planned out far enough and a lot of stuff was done ad-hoc to save time in the moment, in hindsight, that was a mistake.  For the improved version we plan to release on Patreon & Steam by the end of May / early June, our goal is to make the changes impactful enough to make it worth replaying the entire act and make you feel a significant improvement in cohesion, story flow, choice impact and the relationships.

- Once that's done, we'll start working on CK2 Act II, but this time we'll plan it out properly, with all of the things we've learned. (And trust me, that's a ton of stuff)

The whole team is very optimistic, yes we've made mistakes, but it's a fantastic opportunity and all of your guys' support on the exclusive render poll was overwhelming. Honestly sometimes it just makes me tear up how amazingly supportive our community is. I could not wish for a better fanbase.

Please do keep holding us to a high standard, we're not flawless, but we really want to deliver the best game possible, even if that means overcoming some obstacles.

Thank you for all the love, support and helpful feedback & enjoy the wallpaper!

- Steve




Thank you Steve, and take care of yourself.