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Hey guys!

One of the things most important to me, is Patron satisfaction. You guys are the lifeblood of CK. Your monthly pledges are what keep the team rolling and your enthusiasm and love for the game are what give us energy.

A few months ago I did a poll to find out what you guys would like to see more on Patreon, and the answer was overwhelmingly (>60%) "game shaping polls". Now since then, there have been very few game shaping polls. So why is that?

Basically, Patreon polls are really not ideal for game shaping content as I usually have to spoil game parts or put out two good options which should both be in the game, in order to give you guys a decision to make. Polls like that won't feel good. I want to create a way that gives creative patrons the chance to help shape the game and make it better as well as have every single one of you be able to tell us what you like and don't like.

That doesn't mean we want to write a community lead visual novel, College Kings is and will continue to be based on our vision and ideas. What we want is to be able to deliver our vision in the most enjoyable way. A lot of disappointment that comes with update segments that aren't as exciting, could be avoided if we just understood your guys' wants and needs better.

When we do plot we think about what would be the most exciting to play. Sometimes we're off-base. And having clear and regular input from all of you could really help us elevate the game to new level. 

In the next few months, we will be introducing a Patreon Hub on our website (which is currently being revamped). The Patreon hub will feature lots of amazing benefits, one of which being an easier way for you guys to shape the game. The question is, how do you wanna shape the game?

1) Suggest & vote on scenes
Patrons can create scenes (including sex scenes) with a web based, easy to use scene creator, which are then voted on by patrons. The more votes scenes have the more likely they (or parts of them) are to appear in a future update. (Can be hidden for people who don't want any spoilers)

2) Big Decisions
During plot sessions, we'll share big decisions (for example whether both frats should be playable (that's already a yes lol), or how many sex scenes to include in an update) on the Patreon hub and have people vote on them. These decisions will contain spoilers can be hidden for people who don't want them.

 3) Flavour Polls

Patrons get to vote on less impactful stuff like which characters to have as optional dates for the concert or what style the next sex scene is in.

4) No Game Shaping By Patrons

Patrons do not get the ability to shape the game beyond feedback surveys and comments.

As always, just because something won a poll, whether this poll or future game shaping polls, it doesn't guarantee that it's being implemented. It simply helps us make decisions by letting us know what you guys prefer.




Please don't let us have any medium / large impact on the game. I was pulled in by the creativity of the people making it. I don't want low quality fan-fic type stuff from us patrons.


More Ms. Rose


I think small stuff is fine so long as it can be implemented well within the larger flow of the game, but the big decision? I think that would take away too much of the "novel" part of the game


We want what you decide to do, you haven't put a foot wrong so far :)


replay value and multiple different endings is what got me hooked into the game


You are entitled to shape the story based on your own vision, not to be influenced with somethig suggested by us that you may not agree on.


to actually be able to play the game

Timothy Gjerde

You did a fantastic job when you were virtually unknowns. This suggests you have the best idea of how to proceed. Personally I think the following adage applies ... Too many cooks spoil the pot. One of the best plots ever was Harry Potter. JK Rowling stayed the course to her vision. Remember she wrote the last words of the story first. She had a lighthouse in those words and steered toward it. I think your team needs us like any of you need a hole in the head. Just go for it just the way you did when you started.


100%, I just would love to get insight on what you guys prefer so we can do a better job!


Great, we can definitely find ways to have patrons decide more "quality of life" stuff whilst we shape the big stuff independently


There is no way where we'll sacrifice the game's quality because of a high voted patron suggestion. It's just about gaining great ideas and grasping what you guys want to see more off in a more convenient way for both patrons and the dev team


I still vote for voice acting (other than MC)

Crowangel Gaming

I'll b 100% honest.. Your on the right track.. the only extra i could wish for is a division of your team that will go backwards while the others push forward.. Have people that can go through the game and repair what needs repairing or updating.. adding the missing or much needed scenes and features or generally just housekeeping the prior chapters to give them a polish and make the game AS A WHOLE better and consistent.. I am Very eager to see this project grow edition after edition and compete with the competition (be it in my opinion only 1 that rates) You can easily make this game something amazing without being OTT tech wise and just keep delivering great story and a slice of americana much loved in films like animal house, van wilder etc etc.. Just focus on a LONG future content and fill the holes of the past to make replaying the game not only rewarding but a new venture once additional scenes or content (or minigames) have been added.. be it going to the pub and playing darts, more random fights and improved fight system and animation, a continuation of the in game social media options which i LOVE but feel there could be more and More often.. Dont look for the easy out and quick end to the game when there is SO MUCH potential for the future including exams, potential drama with fights going to far or a 'death' in the ring.. PLEASE dont do the common avn mistake and give early ending options if you want to be with ? Girl name here ? as it ruins the rest of the potential game you wanna play.. I dont need voice acting as tbh most of the time it doesnt work anyway and i end up muting it lol better themed music track.. ie a dramatic moment not having an upbeat song giving the wrong impression of the moment.. Adding (doesnt have to be on actual real life dates) Holiday stories.. ie a halloween murder mystery at a rented spooky house or other event.. other characters birthdays.. one thing DIK did that i didnt like was make the mc birthday feel wasted by the girls he loved so when that event roles around do something meaningful with whomever he wants to spend that special time with or its organized for him by that person to feel special.. christmas time on campus or returning home for the holidays with that special someone to visit step mom.. or no return home and a sky resort winter holiday for the friends of the holidays.. So much you can do and so many places to take the 'BEST 4 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE' as you even taglined it in the opening trailer.. screw cheap endings lets have a full game worthy of the college experience till graduation.. Then give your Epilogues.. (additional Edit) Character Updates for Lauren and Riley (riley especially) to bring them more in line graphically with the other characters like Chloe, Aubs, Linds and Nora.. They shouldnt look like lesser characters given there importance.. (EDIT2) during the second semester add new freshmen or same year group additional characters that could throw a spanner in the works of any 'established relationships' new styles of girls including a sexy goth girl or emo chick.. (think wwe Paige lol) fresh characters might also lead to some new dynamics if as a player your feeling tired of the same characters as players AND designers

Alpha Protagonist

The last time, i played the latest version. The 1st fight with Tom was fine. But the next couple fights, the punches never show. Would not mind, being able to live happily ever after, with just one girl. Be it, Audbrey or Nora my 2 favorite girls.


For having a few scenario ideas get produced by an adult site (Girlsway) I can tell you first hand it's a very good way to keep members and increase their interrest for your game. I voted for that option and hope it'll happen but I warn you it requires someone dedicated to the process, for Girlsway it happens only because a producer was into doing it and it doesn't last long after he left.

Crowangel Gaming

ADDITION to my post - as im currently playing a Riley route but regardless of the girl.. Id also like to see additional content added to fill gaps in the base game onwards.. ie instead of not seeing of hearing from your love interest for days on end minus maybe a text add a way to set up even a simple day together at a coffee shop, picnic, gym, bar etc.. add generic dialogue and if a love interest a chance to end with a kiss before going on with your day.. just a bit more realistic coupling things like that instead of feeling like your building a harem lol.. hell if u want that date or go after every girl but least try to enable the ability to focus on the girl u like most of have put the work in for


Had an idea pop in my head when I was voting on this. What if you did a lottery and picked 1 or 2 lucky patrons every so often when you are working on content and gave them a chance to have a one on one dialog with you to maybe create a scene or storyline, or maybe even create a brief appearance of a character modeled after them. That would be a really cool way to fire up your fan base. Maybe even create a new tier that opens up lottery entry.


I think your vision is on right track, it's why I support the game. I would like to see some of the more side characters get more interaction, like Penelope, but every update I feel like she's just a throw away. The only thing I would really like to see is a way to unlock all the scenes in the scene gallery. I lost my saves and had to do a clean install with the launchers and having to blow my way back through everything to have all the sex scenes for the update is...tiring.


I honestly say don't let us have a say in your game, you have done a great job with the game so far, we would only ruin it, your games only issues have been bug related or people not being able to play, but the game itself has been fine, don't let us ruin it, because what one person wants to add to the game another would hate that addition.

Steven Porter

Suggesting Scenes would be cool, as would voting for Flavour (A few other AVNs I support have this option) But Im here for YOUR story, not ours. While a little input can be GREAT, the Scenes we could make Id rather you use as a potential guide, than a full blown addition xD


Don't give anyone the power to manufacture their own narratives or direction of the game. At best, I'd say allow polls for suggestions, particularly if your team is stuck and perhaps on the fence about which direction to go with a plot point. It always helps to keep your finger on the pulse of the community - within reason. The game is already fantastic, you've made it this far so there's no reason to stress out too much about what we want. Most of us subscribe to you and your team's narrative and artistic direction, even if we aren't the most vocal of your community.

Mike Smith

My fear is that too many cooks spoil the brew. I like this game for what it has been so far, but as soon as we get graphic BDSM or 2 dudes or animals or someone starts peeing on someone during sex, I'm going to lose all interest. Often, there's a mentality that you have to put "a little bit of everything" in your game to satisfy all the feedback, but that's the last thing I want from this title. If anything, I'd like more options like what you've already done gamewise - skipping fights (I hate them), launching directly to a sex scene (you know, just for memories), but adding the ability to jump between storyline branches or having multiple ways to unlock the different scenes so you don't miss out because of your branch... these are the kinds of things we should be suggesting - mechanics, not storyline.


i have to agree with mike on this one.


Erm I think you skipped a few steps. If we get the first option doesn't mean we will get Lauren gangbang finished by bukkake + golden shower in next update lol. First most patreons pay for content they like so it's very likely that most of suggestions and votes will be for scenes that can fit in the game from the start. Second even if it's not the case it still have to be produced meaning it will be adapted to CK style.

Timothy Gjerde

This is the point I was trying to make. in a separate post. There are so many people who like the game for what it is at present. I'm also afraid that the time between uipdates is going to need to be adjusted. If the plot requires more branching and more intricate handling of certain relationships that can't be done at the current pace without leaving me with the feeling like each episode is just "meh". DrPinkCake takes nearly 6 mos between updates, but when that update hits, so does the impact of the material, the relationships all take another step, and most importantly fans are eagerly awaiting the next episode wringing their hands in anticipation and they don't care that it's 6 mos away. I'm not suggesting 6 month updates, but making an episode so deeply rooted in all aspects of the game is just not possible in 6 weeks and it's easy to --forgive the analogy--drive the bus into a ditch when too many distractions are present and none of them resolved. Point in fact, the idea of a threesome between Riley, Aubrey and MC started 4 or 5 episodes ago. I've lost interest in it sort of now. Samantha and Amber are both awesome girls in their own right, but we watched 30 min of content where Imre got catfished and MC hooked up with a Tindr slut (Emmy). Are these plot ideas worth putting off a romantic scene with either Penelope or Samantha? Just saying that frequent updates require more intensity in the story-building for the main plat not side stuff that seems like filler just to add sexual content or whatever. Simply put, I love this game and I think Mike is right. There are so many things that we should have a say in besides the story itself put those things are about how we feel about 3 month updates to make sure the next one contains meaningful content to the story and well thought-out paths. That's just one suggestion. Because who, what, where, when and why something happens in the story is for the writers and devs to decide, but continuity and depth are what I'm looking for and the results I get are based on my choices not on giving me content just to put 3 or 4 sex scenes in an update. An example is that Riley and MC seem very natural in their encounters. There is just a bond the writers have given them that is very cool--same with Aubrey and a little bit with Lauren. It seems like normal stuff that happens and I'm okay with that. I'm hoping that what I'm saying here makes sense. Charli's actions finally make sense, now that we know he's a conniving backstabber and the story behind it. We need more closure or insight like that much faster because dragging things out in smaller updates for the sake of delivery times is wearing on me. I walk away feeling like I only got part of the story. There has to be a happy medium here. Deeper content vs. time of development seems to be one way to address things. I love the game and will definittely be eager to see the next one, but the longer the wait, the more anticipation and getting a big bang for my buck is where it's at for me.


I hate DPC game, and one of the main reasons is the time between updates, six month is far too long for an update, people pay every month on Patreon, it isn't fair for people to pay for months when there is no update, DPC is just milking his patreons, and people fall for it, the game isn't even good, I would rather smaller updates more often, that is why I support college kings and not over rated games

Timothy Gjerde

Andy, I appreciate your opinion and I just happen to disagree. If you're not playing it now or the last update then I'm not sure where your dislike comes from. Just go to the highest rated games on any AVN sites and his are at the top and so is this one. You might not see the length of time between updates as a function of development team size. CK is awesome and I love it, but when there are many voices to hear the process becomes more difficult, not easier. I like this game as well or better than BAD, my comments are always directed towards how I think it could improve. That's a decision for Steve. I don't want 6mo updates, I simply think that now that CK has.reached a point of complexity that may require more thought and planning than before. But I support this game because I know they will give a good product and are passionate. DPC is a solo act...writer, programmer and everything except proofreader. Ask anyone on staff if one person could do CK faster alone.

Ville Topi

i agree with you, dpc gives weekly updates on what he's been doing... the workload he puts out is amazing... i'm supporting both steve and dpc the amount i feel comfortable with.


BaDiK is top tier. It may take months for updates but the quality is amazing. Very few bugs, tons of lewd scenes, brilliant music, fantastic renders, even the cluck system just works. Yeah it's not a good idea comparing them. I lost interest in CK after last update. Usual bugfest, writing is poor: all this chuckles and laughs every sentence? it's like beavis and butthead.boring dates with same girls. Ditched by emily and told ryan to hands off, suddenly we go on a double date with them and she is just total slut now. Her path is burnt with fire. The game just feels a disjointed slideshow. Sorry if truth hurts but clarity is needed.


afraid i disagree, never liked the game, never will, I have my reasons, the 6 month thing is one, but there are many other reasons I don't like it, I won't go into them here though, as it isn't the place to do so, as for CK yeah last update had issues, but for me I can live with bugs, what annoyed me recently was Charli, if we could go back an act and never meet him, that would be good, but that won't happen, the writing is good in CK just Charli was badly written, but my hatred for Charli is no secret


The writing is good? I was bored to tears the last update. Felt like kids wrote it.Short dates with moronic dialogue laced with *chuckles* yeaaah. I actually forgot a lot of the update due to how much it gripped me. Yeah will just have to agree to disagree. I loved CK at the start but it just went downhill for me. Maybe if they actually start doing the fighting again and make the tournament atmospheric unlike the laughable last one, add some actual decent drama, more penelope and lindsey, oh and either kill off emily or redeem her, I'd be interested. Anyways if you enjoy, cool. I might check it out in a few updates.

Timothy Gjerde

Nyx, you're spot on here. I understand where Any is though. Cheap mindless thrills are best. That's not meant to be as sarcastic as it sounds. Some people like to stay engaged and a long wait ruins that for them. CK has huge potential but potential unrealized falls flat after a while. College Kings is about becoming the elite tournament fighting fraternity with girls engaged with the fighters as fans and groupies. That's the way it started, I don't think anyone who loves the game would disagree with that description. However, I'm not sure you can deliver that at this point with the complexity of the story lines being very important if the time for development is too short. I love Steve's enthusiasm and vision. I just think it's time for some laser vision by homing in on a few really important stories. Such as, what happens to Wolf morale when they find out their most popular fighter is nude wrestling with Wolf president's girl Nora...lol? Why add random girls like Emmy and Candy when you have unexplored romantic options like Samantha, Jenny, Penelope, and Autumn. What's Nora's reaction to MC sleeping with stepmother further widening the gap with her father by pulling Lorraine into a tryst. My point here is this is becoming a runaway train without slowing down and focusing. Play Summer's Gone and see what 4 updates with no sex does to raise the intensity and set an incredible story to come. Catering to drooling sex fiends with lewd scenes with every skirt on campus is ruining the original ambiance of the game. There. I said it. That's what's happening.


Oh I agree with the story is better being captivating than lewd, which is why I got tired of the same old lewd stuff with riley, auds etc. would rather see more romance with Lindsey or god forbid, the psycho ex. Summers Gone is amazing with what was achieved and no lewds. Bella's path is just a rollercoaster. I would love seeing that kind of thing with Penelope or such. I would honestly take romance over lewds anyday.

Timothy Gjerde

I agree but romance and lewds don't have to be mutually exclusive. I love Riley's character and exuberant outlook. What I want is MC to have some experience with airline that shakes his world. The prospect of losing all of his undeclared harem might do it. I mean one by one each of them tells him to shit or get off the pot until one hurts soba he's ready to fight for her. Getting caught snagging both Aubrey and Riley in their foreshadowed threescore might do it. Say it was Nora or Lindsey who just happened to walk into being straddled by both girls. How long before everyone hears of it?l The same as usual isn't cutting it. I don't care which girl except not Emily. When she told MC that she cheated because he only cared about himself, I wanted to choke her myself. Most often cheating comes from fulfilling your own needs over your lover's need to hear your frustration in a meaningful way. Fucking someone else is purely selfish. No forgiveness for her now in my opinion, she can do anyone aor anything she wants. It's time for fireworks and not the backyard barbecue sort.

Timothy Gjerde

Autocorrect sucks. Hope it was clear enough too many to fix lol.