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It’s been almost three weeks now since the release of Episodes 4 & 5 “Moving Out” and we wanted to take some time to review the launch and be transparent about what happened, our actions so far, and our plans going forward.

We understand this wasn’t our smoothest release and many of you experienced  bugs and other issues after downloading the double episode, including game crashes and laggy sex scenes. (Both have now been fixed.) 

The reality is that I (Steve) faced some personal health issues during production and we have been playing catchup ever since. We wanted to avoid delaying the announced release dates any further so as not to keep you guys waiting, but unfortunately that led to us not catching important bugs that should have been fixed before the release.

In order to make things right, we’ve been working hard to fix any and all issues since, so here’s a full list of all fixes we’ve made since launch:

- Fixed server infinitely retrying connection causing lag during H-scenes

- Added title cards to clearly communicate where Episode 4 ends and Episode 5 begins.

- Added Episode 5 to Path Builder.

- Various changes to in-game dialogue.

- Various optimizations to the phone and to Character classes.

- Fixed an issue with the scene gallery where ep5 scenes were not showing.

- Fixed scenes not playing when they were supposed to.

- Fixed animations not playing when they were supposed to.

- Fixed bugged scenes sending players back to the beginning of the episode.

- Fixed game looping with Lauren at the karaoke bar.

- Fixed issues with the phone (missing contacts, messages, kiwii posts and applications).

- Fixed player's name randomly being changed to "Wolf".

- Fixed various save compatibility issues.

Furthermore, we’re going to be adding additional content to Episodes 4 & 5 “Moving Out”, this includes new sex animations, new scenes, Kiwii posts, and phone conversations to make sure we address any content related feedback. 

Going forward, we’re going to reserve additional time for internal testing before a launch which will include a bigger emphasis on your guys’ input pre-release as well. We want to ensure that we’re putting fans in a position to talk about the episode itself and where College Kings 2 can go next, rather than having to talk about the bugs and issues they encountered.

We will continue updating and improving the double episode as necessary, just like we’ve done with our previous episodes. One of our core values as a team is providing long term support to the CK series through working directly with our community, and we take it very seriously.

Once the double episode is in a good place we will move the majority of our efforts to episode 6. We've got some exciting plans for the next episode, so keep your eyes peeled for more updates soon!

Lastly, we wanted to say thank you to our community for your support. Your feedback and reviews on the double episode have been hugely helpful in making sure what we're offering is the best it can be! We're able to give CK the love and attention it deserves thanks to the support of our wonderful community, and so we want to ensure that you all feel listened to, and that CK is moving forward in a direction that works for us and our fans!

If you’ve faced any bugs or issues recently we’d love for you to give the episode another try and let us know your thoughts!



Steve Brown

Ran into a few bugs reported to help fix the game but didn’t ruin the game for me really enjoyed playing it great story can’t wait for the next one

Max Power

Just be happy there is a path builder, most other AVNs do not have this and its a welcome feature for anyone who forgets to back up saves