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Hey everyone, we've got everything uploading now, just having some internet trouble causing a slower upload than usual so we might be delayed a little while longer. The moment it's live I'll share it here! Shouldn't be longer than a few hours of a delay max. Sorry again guys!

EDIT: It's here!


Greg Brown

Jebus, people.. We're getting it a week early! So, it took a few extra hours and now I have to do my PT's during my work week. But, damn... Cut Steve some slack. (And yes.. I WILL be my PT's during working hours.. lol.. It's good to be the King!)


Thanks Greg, I can appreciate people are frustrated, trying to do the best I can with what we've got! :)

Larsa Commons

i can't find a new link, but I'm only paying 5 bucks.


Hi Larsa, you need to be subbed at at least the Junior tier to access the new episode. Sorry for any confusion there!