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Information on Patreon Rewards Update

Hi everyone, thanks to you all, I was and still am able to keep drawing for you.

moving on, it has been more than half a year since I started Patreon, I've experimented some ways to find out

what kind of content would make everyone satisfied and the way I deliver It, I apologize the fact that some of the rewards were not stable/on time

About the rewards, There will be 3 rewards per month (all 3 with different ver)

The content of the rewards will be voted every end of the month, the ones with the most vote wins its spot.

I'll do my best to guarantee that the 3 rewards with diferent versions of the month are delivered/posted, So Don't worry

if updates are slow.

Post/Rawards with the Tittle ?Doodle(?????? will not have different versions, I hope you all understand

and receive it as a BONUS.

At last, I'll continue to draw and improving for you all my supporters, Thanks for Your support
