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June is the month of my one year Patreon anniversary! Uraaaa!))).  So I'm planning to do something crazy here: I'll gather all my free time to deliver some fun & great stuff for you guys and turn all my patrons to the maximum tier! YES! OMG all my current June patrons (old & new ones) will be able to make me at least one request in June! No matter the pledged tier!!!

To all my old*, long term patrons, my sincere gratitude, I'll reward you until the end of May with the conversion to XPS of Kratos from God of War (I'm awaiting for this model a long time ago!) & some others I was planning already. I'll focused on conversions rather than meshmod (ofcourse, respecting the rewards demand). And some of these conversions will be available to all my patrons, regardless of tier pledged. Stay in touch!

That's it folks, I hope you like it, that's what I can do by balancing my limited time with the time that is demanded to keep all promises.



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