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Hey guys! 

As you may have noticed all of the rewards sections except for the $1 tier have been replaced with "(New rewards coming soon!)".  Well, I've felt like our rewards system has needed some adjusting for some time now, so we're going through with it.

Things were a bit clunky overall, some unexpected circumstances have come up, and certain Patreon projects were taking time away from the main show itself. And I don't think anybody really wants that happening, so its time we got ourselves organized a bit.

To answer some preliminary questions:


1) If I haven't received my Patreon reward yet, am I still getting it?

Answer: YES! If you pledged for a Quickie, it's still coming. (In fact, those are the videos I'm working on right now.) If you are expecting your business cards and thank you letters, those are on their way too. 

The only exception is for those of you that requested songs. I've run into a bit of an unexpected snag with those, and I won't be able to do them anymore. I'm sorry guys. It can't be helped. Please rest assured that whatever we replace the $10 tier with, you will receive that instead. In fact, I might throw in something extra for the inconvenience.

2)  What will the new rewards be?

Answer: I have a few ideas, but I haven't completely decided yet. I would REALLY be interested to hear your guys' feedback here. What would you like to see as a reward? 

Please feel free to leave a comment on this post or reach out to my social media (Twitter: @TehRockCritic // Facebook: facebook.com/TehRockCritic) and shoot me some of your suggestions. I'd love to know what you guys would want to see/get.

3) So are all the old rewards gone for good?

Answer: Yes and no. I still want Quickie requests to be a thing, but I want to adjust those a little. They might transform into Unscripted requests or something similar. Either way, for those of you that want to give, I still think video requests should be some part of the equation.

The Google Hangouts are fun too, but they're an absolute chore to get scheduled. We might convert that into some kind of stream or something that's a bit easier to jump onto and interact with.

The songs are gone, as previously mentioned. Again, sorry guys. It's a situation I can't afford to rectify at the moment. 

And I don't think the cards/thank you letters will be coming back. I just don't like the idea of asking for addresses. It seems like a bit too much personal info for you guys to be giving up. 

Again, I'm open to your suggestions, especially for the lower tiers, so please feel free to shoot me your ideas.

4) So what happens if I contribute while the reward status is in (New rewards coming soon!) mode?

Answer: Once that category has a reward, you'll get it. And I'll be sure to notify you as soon as it's up. We'll also post another post here and on social media to let you know of the new rewards.


Again, if you have ideas please don't hesitate to send them to me. Either here or on my Facebook and Twitter. Thanks again for your input on the matter, and thanks again for your support. It's beyond humbling that you guys want to give to the show and hopefully our new rewards will serve as a better way of paying you back for your generosity.




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