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Hello readers.

A few housekeeping things to mention first. 

Despite delivering the last 4 chapters of Wizard Trials this month and following that up with 41k published words of my ongoing side story, Caladin's Climb, (making this month the busiest of the Wizard Tournament arc for at least the last year) I still haven't brought that story to a close. I also have 2 other side stories that need to be completed. So for that reason, I'm going to continue publishing on here for at least one more month. I don't expect everyone to stick around for that, and indeed a good number of you have already started unsubscribing. That is fine and expected.

I also want to acknowledge that I am aware I was short one chapter of CC this last week. Two (married) co-workers had a situation that required them to miss 2 weeks of work and I was needed to cover additional shifts. I've been running ragged the last 3 weeks. I'm actually writing this post on a break today and still have to come back in tomorrow (Sunday), so I will not have time to get caught back up before the month is out. Apologies to everyone following that series. I may have to shorten the CC chapters soon, as outputting double-length chapters at the same pace as my older WT chapters is not something I can maintain much longer. The time I have been investing in it likely equates to an hourly wage so low I'd rather not stop to calculate it. :(

My next project.

I have started a new webserial under a new name which has been running for 3 weeks (so far without issue). I would like to keep that going and leave all the JDFister baggage behind. For that reason, I have opted not to leave a record on Patreon of the connection between JDFister and my new penname. I will send copy/paste DM's to all my recent subscribers with the relevant details instead of leaving them here.

To help me obscure the connection between these two accounts, I would ask that anyone considering subscribing to the new account on Patreon follow these quick steps first to enable their privacy settings. This will prevent "JDFister" from being publically displayed on your Patreon profile as a past creator you have subscribed to. I obviously can't enforce this, but would consider it a great kindness if as many of you as possible do this to avoid drawing this connection. The process is simple: Click your profile icon, go to Settings, select the "Account" tab, then scroll down and click the "Hide pledges from your profile" button. I am including pictures of what you might see, though it looks like Patreon just rolled out an update, so the placement of the settings gear might have moved:

At the time of this writing, my new project's Patreon page is not yet ready for release, as building up the backlog of chapters has taken a backseat to staying on top of CC releases on here.

Everyone will be getting a DM here on Patreon, even though I am aware many of you are on discord, not all of you are. For simplicity's sake I want to limit the manual messaging to a single location.

That's all for now. I know most of you will probably not follow me to my new project/penname and I completely understand that. I want to take this time to thank all of you for the support (both monetary and emotional). I like my new story, but it might not be everyone's cup of tea. It has thus far been underperforming WT's original growth trajectory, so I can't guarantee everyone will even find it comparable.

Love to all,

JD signing out.


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