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Twelve Minutes Before the Conflux

          Draevin panicked. He tried to shoot jets of mist out of his hands to slow down his fall. A beam of sunlight struck his hands. His hands burned; they also failed to produce any cryomancy to speak of. Just before he hit the ground Draevin kicked a bolt of ice from his foot that exploded into snow to break his fall. It didn’t end up mattering. A hell hound jumped up and tackled him out of the air before he landed on anything.

          Draevin dropped into a pit of flailing limbs and ichor-soaked claws and fangs. His thoughts were consumed by the demonic howling all around him. He felt a sharp pain in his leg, then a duller pain in his side and neck where his Frost Armor robes protected him. He knew he only had a moment to act before he would be ripped apart. In a frantic burst of power, Draevin threw ice out in every direction. There was no time to be careful or precise. Spines of ice longer than his arms erupted from all over his skin and impaled several of the closest demons while also pinning Draevin to the ground. He stuck fast and while some of the more aggressive demons rushed him from all sides. They didn’t care about the spikes of ice and ran right into them, killing themselves just for a chance to reach a little bit closer. They snapped and snarled from all sides and gave Draevin an uncountable number of tiny cuts from the small patches of skin they could reach.

          Draevin’s sharp defenses could only hold for a short time. Smaller demons were already squeezing through the gaps while several saber demons slashed their way through the ice with their bladed appendages. Before it was too late to matter, Draevin launched the spines covering his body outward with as much power as he could manage. His ice tore through the bodies of demons around him, ripping several apart and leaving holes in a few of the larger creatures, but even such a vicious counter-attack did little to dull the appetite for blood in the remaining demons. They howled and fresh demons surged forward, climbing over each other to be the first to reach him. It felt very much like the last moments before his end.

          Draevin closed his eyes. He blocked out the feelings of impending doom and instead focused on what his failure would mean. He saw Hephian die in front of him once more, Wix’s cold body, Tenna’s burnt remains. Failure wasn’t an option. If Peter wanted him dead he’d have to do it himself. His body erupted in a shockwave. It wasn’t mere ice that shot from him now, but the very heart of winter. Wind howled like an angry blizzard as it washed over the small army of demons and then faded away as fast as it’d come.

          His body felt rung out. A weakness like few he’d felt in his life coiled down his limbs as he studied what his magic had wrought. The field was covered in knee-deep snow. It collected in deeper eddies around some of the larger demons. Draevin felt only a wondrous awe at the beauty of it. Lifelike sculptures of otherworldly demons stood still all around him. They sparkled dizzyingly in strange crescents of light from the sun above. From all the chaos of moments before his magic had forged a quiet moment of tranquility. Draevin breathed out a sigh of relief and was not surprised at all to see it condense before him into fog.

          Altogether he supposed that could have gone a lot worse. He had a few new cuts, but nothing serious. He may have felt utterly exhausted, but that beat the hell out of being ripped limb-from-limb. “Your demons are dead, Peter. You can come out from wherever you’re hiding.” Draevin’s voice was dampened by the snow. He wasn’t sure where Peter even was, but it seemed doubtful he’d be able to hear—

          Fire erupted from Draevin’s head. He flinched and brought up his hand on reflex. The burning sensation was only transferred from head-to-hand. Everywhere he tried to look was met with blinding light. So much for Peter finally conceding, it seemed his human friend had decided to go down fighting with another Solar Lens. Draevin pulled his ice to his aid and formed a cloud of protective ice crystals to refract the light away from him. It was the same technique he’d used to stop Unit-17’s laser, but not quite as effective without his wand to absorb the heat. He could feel the crystals at the surface of the cloud being burned away, but at least he was safe beneath it. If all he had left to do was match Peter spell-for-spell he liked his chances. His body may have been depleted of mana, but Draevin had just summoned more cryomancy mana in a single burst than he ever had before. He was surrounded by a lake of ice and snow.

          Draevin sucked on the back of his hand where he’d just been burned, then thought better of it and just chilled the burn with a bit of frost. He knew that was bad for burns, but he didn’t have time to worry about it. He took a moment to freeze a few more fresh injuries closed while he was at it. While he cycled new crystals of ice up to replace those at the top of his shield as they melted away Draevin shouted out to Peter, wherever he was. “Do you really think this is going to work?” he asked. “I just killed an entire army of demons, Peter!”

          An illusion of Peter appeared before Draevin. “Yeah. You did kind of make that look easy, but they didn’t cost me that much. I’m kind of surprised I got so many if I’m being honest.”

          Draevin pointed up, above his head. “You going to keep trying to burn me with your sun beam? Or can we both agree this is a waste of time?” At the rate his crystals were melting it would take the better part of an hour for him to run out of fuel. They didn’t have an hour.

          “Good point,” Peter said. “I’ll have to try something else.” His beam of sunlight swept away from Draevin and struck one of the frozen demons. Draevin had to divert his eyes as it was vaporized. It was far too bright to look at.

          “I, uh, I’m not sure what that was supposed to accomplish,” Draevin commented.

          “Quiet, you,” Peter said. “I need to concentrate. This is a learning process.” The intensity of the beam of sunlight decreased dramatically, then swept over to the next demon. The ice quickly started to melt. The demon, another hell hound, crawled one step towards Draevin, then collapsed. It didn’t move again. Peter’s success rate was pretty low, but Draevin could see what he was trying to do. If he melted the ice trapping the demons they could fight once more. Draevin was pretty sure most of their bodies were frozen, so it would take more than just melting a layer of ice, but he wasn’t willing to take any chances. He reached out with his senses and felt the ice around him. He squeezed his fist tightly, then yanked down, hard.

          The frozen demon statues shattered. Chunks of ice and demon viscera filled the field.

          “Was that really necessary?” Peter’s illusion asked. “I hadn’t even freed one successfully yet.”

          “You expect me to wait around? I’m not a fool.”

          “Four contestants remain,” Istven shouted down from the judge’s stand.

          That meant two demons were still left. “Thanks, Istven!” Draevin shouted back through cupped hands.

          “I am not on your side, Draevin,” Istven replied. “I am merely following Guild protocol; there were too many demons to announce individually before.”

          “Come on, Peter,” Draevin pleaded. “You’re not going to defeat me with your sun beam or two demons. Just give it up before the Conflux gets here.” He caught a flash of movement in the sky and spotted a lone imp still flying around. He shot it down with a shard of ice.

          “Three contestants remain,” Istven announced once more.

          “I was never trying to beat you with the demons,” Peter said. “All I did was opened a rift to Hell. That’s pretty much the extent of my knowledge on blood magic. I don’t know the first thing about controlling them.”

          “Then what were you trying to accomplish?” Draevin asked. It seemed Peter must have taken that question as rhetorical, since he didn’t answer. Draevin caught sight of the last demon—some kind of black, slimy worm that was slinking its way through the remains of its frozen brethren. Draevin didn’t know how he’d missed it, but he struck it with an Icicle Spear and called it good. Now. He just had to deal with Peter.

          Istven didn’t make an announcement.

          Draevin looked over at him. Istven stood stoically. No hints then. Draevin looked back at the demon worm… thing. It was still wriggling. He walked closer to get a better look at it, and brought his protective cloud of ice crystals with him in case Peter got any ideas about attacking him from above again.

          The squirming black worm looked like a single tentacle from one of those larger things that he’d seen try to squeeze through the Hell rift at The Pot the day before. What was it called? He tried to think back. Someone had called it a something-mother. That probably explained why it was so resilient. He supposed Peter’s mini-army of demons might have been the remains from the invasion force that Maeve had supposedly taken out. She’d been rather quick, so it seemed reasonable she might not have been thorough enough to wipe all of them out. Draevin hit the little worm with a Subzero Freeze to put it out of its misery.

          There was a burst of cold around the black worm, but it didn’t freeze. It didn’t even seem to notice. “That explains how the little bugger survived this long,” Draevin muttered under his breath. He shifted the Icicle Spear impaling it into a blade and cut it in half instead. It shuddered, then both pieces stopped moving.

          Draevin turned back towards Istven. Istven turned back to the other judges and discussed something. While he did that, Draevin took note of what Peter had been doing this whole time. He was sweeping his laser across the battlefield in a grid pattern. Back and forth, back and forth. He was trying to melt all the remaining ice.

          “Hey!” Draevin called out. “What do you think you’re doing?”

          An illusion of Peter appeared before him. “Don’t mind me,” Peter said. “Just cleaning up. Aren’t you busy with those demon worms?”

          “Worms?” Draevin turned around. The two pieces of worm he’d just bisected were both now crawling in different directions.

          “There is no Guild rule about this,” Istven announced, “but Taelshin insists I tell you there are now four contestants again.”

          “I saw that,” Draevin called back.

          Taelshin stood up from her seat herself, undeterred by her blindness, and cupped her hands around her mouth. “Peter you reckless idiot!” she yelled out across the field. “If that juvenile Brood Mother gets loose after this match I’ll have your hide!”

          Brood Mother. That was the name. The one Draevin remembered had been a massive ball of black tentacles, but perhaps that was just what they looked like when they were fully grown. “I’ll take care of it,” Draevin grumbled. He hit each one with an Icicle Spear to pin it in place, then he focused on just one. He tried to freeze it again. Nothing happened. It was either highly resistant to magic, or highly resistant to cold. Draevin wasn’t sure which, but the result was the same. He couldn’t freeze it solid like the rest. He settled for filling it full of Icicle Spears. After impaling it over a dozen times it continued to squirm.

          “I don’t get it,” Draevin complained. “How is this thing still alive?”

          “Beats me,” Peter said. “Have you tried giving it all your mana?”

          “Very funny.”

          Draevin formed a large block of ice and brought it down on the creature like, well, like a sledgehammer. If it couldn’t be frozen, cut in half, or impaled, then smashing it would have to do. There was a smear of black beneath Draevin’s block of ice. That seemed to take care of it, so he did the same to the second one.

          He turned back to Istven. He merely saw Istven’s head shake back and forth.

          “You’ve got to be kidding me! Why does that thing even matter? It’s not even that dangerous!” Draevin decided to just seal the thing in a big ‘ol block of ice and deal with it after the match. They could toss it down the mana well or something, demons usually didn’t tolerate mana in large doses very well. When he turned back, the black smears were gone. “All right, where did they go?” Draevin demanded.

          “I wasn’t paying attention,” Peter admitted. “They didn’t… go underground did they?”

          As if on cue, a black slimy worm burst out of the ground at Draevin’s feet and wrapped around his ankle. He felt a sharp pain, then a cold numbness spread outward from his foot. “Fuckfuckfuck! Get it off me!” Draevin screamed. He shook his leg violently while pelting it with spikes of ice. The creature held on tight, and Draevin quickly grew light-headed. He could see his skin was already several shades paler. It was eating him.

          The Brood Mother quickly swelled larger as Draevin’s energy was sapped away. Darkness started to creep in from the edges of his vision. In a last ditch effort to get the thing off, Draevin’s Frost Armor robes flew up and wedged themselves between Draevin’s skin and the demon. It worked. He ripped his leg free.

          Draevin blasted the—now much larger—Brood Mother with a Glacier Blast. He knew it was a reckless expenditure of his limited mana stores, but he didn’t care. He sealed the thing behind several span of solid ice. As soon as that was taken care of he hobbled backwards, away from the spot he’d just been attacked. He really didn’t want to have that happen a second time. He didn’t think he had enough blood left.

          “Where’s the other one?” Draevin demanded. He didn’t really expect an answer, but he sure as fuck wanted one.

          Peter’s illusion frowned. “Oh, shit!” it said, before fading away.

          “Shit?” Draevin asked. He waited for the other foot to drop. Peter was always up to something.

          A moment later, there was a thrash of movement at the pile of clothes Peter had left behind. A hand burst out of the ground. Then another. Then Peter’s head popped out, wearing his glasses. He was absolutely covered in dirt. Peter dragged himself out of the ground. It was the real Peter, and fully clothed too. That wasn’t exactly what Draevin had been expecting, but he also hadn’t even considered Peter might be hiding underground. It made sense when he thought about it though: even True Sight couldn’t see through mundane dirt.

          Peter crawled out of the ground with a large black mass attached to his leg. “H-help!” he stammered. His eyelids flickered and his eyes threatened to roll into the back of his head. Draevin sprinted over. His Frost Armor robes flew off his body of their own accord and wrapped themselves around Peter’s thigh, then slid down to remove the parasitic demon. Once it was detached, Draevin used the robes to pull the demon away. He wrapped it up in a little demon cocoon where it couldn’t hurt anyone.

          Draevin stalked over to where Peter lay on the ground. It was definitely the real Peter. And he was incredibly dirty. His body was just covered in layers and layers of dirt. It was a wonder he could hear anything with the amount filling his ears.

          “So,” Draevin said. “I found you.”

          “Fucking demons,” Peter croaked.

          “You shouldn’t play with things you don’t understand,” Draevin chided. He looked around with True Sight to see if there were any lingering illusions hanging around. All he saw was a quickly dissipating cloud of red high up in the air. Draevin watched it closely until it disappeared completely, then he studied Peter, to be absolutely sure he didn’t have any mana left. Aside from the faint glimmer of his glasses, he was completely depleted. “Looks like you lost your concentration,” Draevin said.

          “It’s not fair,” Peter complained. “You don’t have to concentrate on your ice to keep it from dissolving.”

          “Well, actually I do,” Draevin pointed out. “But it’s pretty stable, it takes a while. But that’s beside the point. I found you. You’re out of mana. I win.”

          Peter shook his head. “No. I haven’t lost yet and I’m not surrendering.” Peter fumbled at his waist and grabbed at his dagger.

          Draevin snatched the dagger out of his hands with a sheath of ice and threw it away, then he covered Peter’s entire body in a thin layer of frost to pin him in place. “You. Lose,” Draevin said firmly. “Don’t make me hurt you.” That last spell actually took a lot more of Draevin’s remaining mana than he was strictly comfortable with. He released his True Sight spell to free a bit more up, just in case. It wasn’t like there was any danger from Peter at this point, even if he had access to the mana necessary for one of his illusions.

          Peter started laughing. He looked up at Draevin with an evil smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eyes. “And that’s why I saved you for last,” he said. “Because you were just about the stupidest contestant I could find.”

          “Hey! I’m plenty smart enough!” Draevin yelled down at him. “I just beat you didn’t I? Now are you going to surrender? Or do I need to knock you unconscious?”

          Peter grinned up at him. “Go ahead and try,” he said. Then he ripped his arms free from the ice restraining him and grasped the air like he was trying to choke it. He started chanting something under his breath that Draevin couldn’t quite make out. There was an immediate choking pressure around Draevin’s neck.

          It was impossible! Peter had no mana left, and since when did he ever have enough for kinomancy this strong? The invisible force around Draevin’s neck increased. In his panic he shot a bolt of ice at Peter to make him stop. Peter shrugged off the blow and kept chanting. Draevin grew more desperate—he couldn’t breathe—he shot an Icicle Spear at Peter’s shoulder. The spear missed and got Peter right in the chest. Draevin wanted air so bad he almost didn’t care. Peter staggered slightly, but kept chanting. The pressure only increased.

          Draevin didn’t understand what was going on. Where was this power coming from? How was Peter still standing with an Icicle Spear sticking out of his chest… right where his heart should be. Draevin grasped at the invisible force around his neck. It was solid and unyielding… but also soft and warm… like flesh.

          As Draevin’s vision faded his last thoughts were of Peter. Standing behind him, cloaked in invisibility and choking the life out of him.

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shoulda put true sight back on Drea, ya shoulda done it, tho what did Peter do to escape Dreavin? Cause my two brain cells can't rub together well enough to figure it out


OOOF That's dirty But also something to be expected, yeah

Hardy Carroll

To be honest I’m upset that Drae was played this poorly because it sounds like there is going to be a sudden Macguffin that somehow made Peter’s invisibility unable to be seen with true sight.

Hardy Carroll

In no way upset with the story as a whole just frustrated with this circumstance. Waiting optimistically to see what happens next.


I believe it should be: the other "shoe" to drop. Queues up King Missile as the detachable body parts start to fall.


Didn't realize I missed this chapter, what a treat! Also, "'I was never trying to beat you with the demons,' Peter said. 'All I did was opened a rift to Hell.'" should probably just be "open".