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          Whatever else Death might have said was quickly drowned out in a haze of pain. Fire burned over Draevin’s skin, under his skin, in his bones. Every part of his body felt like it was burning at the same time. He couldn’t think straight. Everything was pain. He desperately grasped at the crown on his head in an attempt to bat it away. He couldn’t even feel his fingers. The overwhelming pain drowned out all other sensations. At the center of his chest it was worst of all. A shock like lightning thrummed through him with the beat of his heart.

          Just when he thought the waves of agony would overwhelm him, they stopped. Everything did. The crown tumbled off Draevin’s forehead and onto the ground. He followed it not much later. He felt like a limp rag that had been rung out one too many times. A puff of red dust flashed in front of his face, he dimly realized it was because he was breathing again. That was good. That meant he was still alive. He tried to get his thoughts in order… Had Death knelt before him for a moment there? Draevin didn’t know what to make of that.

          With a grunt of effort Draevin rolled over onto his back so he wouldn’t keep inhaling dust with every breath. He saw lights in the sky. Flashes of red fire mixed into the black clouds. Then a sparkle of blue light. Draevin could vaguely feel some distant part of himself locked in desperate combat. It was a strange feeling. He was pretty sure he was well beyond the maximum range he’d ever used his cryomancy before, but then again, he’d learned a lot of new tricks in the past few days.

          Draevin let his head loll to the side. Istven was lying on the ground next to him. He wasn’t moving. Draevin watched him for a moment, until he was sure he saw a bit of movement from his chest. It was weak, but he was still breathing. He wouldn’t last long. Draevin reached down near his ankles where the black crown of jagged spikes waited. His hand almost didn’t want to touch it for fear of more pain. He had to remind himself that it would only hurt him if he put it on his head. He would never do that again. Never. Draevin snatched the crown up and crawled over to Istven. He pressed the crown onto the Black Prince’s head. It settled into place like it belonged there.

          Istven’s eyes shot open. “I-I’m back.” As Istven sat upright, Draevin watched white fire burn over the gash in Istven’s gut and leave behind smooth, immaculate skin. The skin was actually pale white. The color of ivory. That was surprising to see. Draevin didn’t know what to make of it. The rest of his skin was black as midnight. He wondered if the spot on his own chest that Korack had burned would be just as pale.

          “Wix,” Draevin croaked. “Caelnaste shot her too. She needs to wear that crown before she dies for real.”

          Istven stood up slowly, then brushed some of the chalky red dirt off himself. “Wix. Is she that elf friend of yours? The woman?”

          “Yes,” Draevin confirmed. “And she’s more than a friend. We fought together years ago. She’s a soldier.”

          “Very well,” Istven said. “If she is important to you, then I will save her. Thank you for returning my crown to me. And…” Istven met Draevin’s eyes. They were glowing again and burned with some internal fire. Likely an effect of the crown. It didn’t make him look any less intimidating. “I am sorry,” he said. He didn’t offer up an explanation of what he was sorry about, but he didn’t have to. Draevin nodded.

          Istven turned away to scan the horizon. As he did, Draevin could see through the hole in his shirt that the patch of white skin was already being singed dark brown in spots as Haedril’s Crown continued to burn away. Draevin would never understand how he endured wearing it for so long, but if he didn’t take it off soon his body would burn to ash. Out of curiosity, Draevin held up his own hand to study the skin. He could see little splotches of darker skin on the back of his hand. It seemed the crown had left its mark on him. “Is it permanent?” Draevin asked idly.

          Istven scoffed. “Do not be pathetic. You are in perfect health. The color of your skin is of no concern.”

          Draevin tried to think of something witty to say, but Istven sank into shadows and disappeared before he could. “No, you,” Draevin called after him without any energy behind it. He knew Istven was right. He was in perfect health, even if he felt more mentally exhausted than he’d ever been in his life. It had been, what, four battles in the last day? Then he’d died, kept fighting anyways, and been resurrected through torture. Why couldn’t he just have a minute to rest?

          Some distant part of Draevin’s mind was suddenly and violently silenced. The ice clone he’d made had just been destroyed. Or killed? Was it even alive? Draevin didn’t know, maybe he’d ask Tenna about that later. It occurred to him that there hadn’t been any new explosions of ice since he’d put the crown on. In fact, all signs of the god-like battle had ceased. He hoped Tenna was okay. What he’d seen of her at the end there had looked… broken. Was there even anything left of her to keep fighting, or had she given up once Draevin’s life had been saved?

          He couldn’t just lay here. Draevin pushed himself into a sitting position. He felt like his body should have protested the movement, but it actually felt fine. The smoke and mist was mostly dissipated, but he still couldn’t see from one end to the other. There were random patches of snow, and large chunks of ice scattered around the island. Some were already turning into puddles. There were also dozens of perfectly straight lines carved out of the ground. The cuts weren’t really wide enough to even trip over, but lava had welled up out of a few of them already, so they couldn’t be ignored either. They very much looked like bleeding wounds. It really was quite the sight.

          Movement caught Draevin’s eye. He watched Korack fly down out of the sky on jets of fire. He landed somewhere on the far side of the island, far enough away that Draevin couldn’t quite see where he’d landed. Draevin groaned. The fighting wasn’t over yet. He couldn’t in good conscience leave everything to Istven, crown or not. The troublesome prince had already abandoned them when they needed him once before. Nearly dying seemed to have humbled him, but that didn’t mean he could take on Caelnaste and Korack on his own.

          Draevin rose to his feet and trudged off in Korack’s direction. As he walked he gathered up every scrap of ice and puff of mist he could. Beyond his own mana reserves, which seemed to be decently full, the ice he captured seemed to contain a considerable amount of power of its own. He pulled it all into his Frost Armor robes. He swept the battlefield clean.

          It didn’t take long to spot Korack. He was facing the other direction and speaking in harsh tones to Trundle. Draevin did his best not to make much noise as he approached so he could listen in. “…there doing nothing!” Korack was saying.

          “I don’t really give two shits,” Trundle replied. He was still leaning against the same stone outcropping from earlier. Draevin took a few steps closer and saw one of Sylnya’s feet poke out from behind the large rock. She and Peter were probably still lying there then, totally helpless, if not actively dying. “You wanna kill them, be my guest, but I don’t work for free and she didn’t pay me enough to kill anyone. I only agreed to transportation.” Trundle gestured towards the ground with one hand, then settled back down into place so that the top of his head disappeared behind the rock again from the angle Draevin was watching.

          “Fine!” Korack hissed. He pointed his wand at the ground where Sylnya and Peter were laying and unleashed a wave of fire.

          “Nᴏᴏᴏ!” Draevin roared. Why had he waited? He should have known the bastard would do something like that! Draevin surged forward a few steps, then dived into the air and flew towards Korack like an arrow. He conjured fists of ice and slammed into him at breakneck speeds. Korack only just started to turn in Draevin’s direction when he was struck and thrown across the dead landscape. He flew off at an angle, tumbling end over end against the ground. Draevin hoped he hit every rock on his way. He turned to look at the bodies laid out on the ground next to Trundle. The red dirt near the outcropping of rock had been scorched black in all but a perfect circle around the gnome. Of the bodies, there were three shapes: Kot, Sylnya and Peter. They were burnt to blackened crisps and only barely recognizable.

          “Sylnya, no!” Draevin screamed. He ran over to her. She had to be alive. Dryads didn’t die so easily, and then she could heal Peter. She had to.

          “That’s gotta suck,” Trundle said. “Just close enough to watch, but not close enough to stop ‘im”

          Draevin reeled on him. He conjured a dozen razor sharp spindles of ice and pointed them right at Trundle’s head. “What did you just say?” Draevin demanded.

          Trundle held up his hands. “Whoa there, I’m just empathizin’ with ya. No need to get snappy. I didn’t do that.”

          “Empathizing?” Draevin repeated. “You just stood there and let him burn them alive!”

          “Yeah? So what? You gonna blame me for your shit now? If you cared so much about ‘em then you should have been watching over ‘em. I was given orders to kill the lot of ‘em five minutes ago. Orders which I might remind you I ignored!

          Whatever else Trundle was planning to say was lost in the howl of outrage from Korack. Draevin looked over to see his old pal dragon-made-of-fire headed his way. Its wings were spread wide and its mouth was open, ready to consume him in one bite.

          Draevin thought of Sylnya and Peter. Their burnt bodies. And Korack, remorseless and ready to kill again. Anger welled up within him. Draevin stopped himself. No. Anger was wrong. Anger meant passing the blame to Korack. Korack was like a wild animal. The only person at fault for anyone dying was Draevin. It was his failure to protect them that had cost them their lives. How much time had he wasted lying on the ground, bemoaning his personal discomfort? He closed his eyes as the dragon of fire screamed towards him. He let himself feel the guilt of his failure. Let it wash over him.

          Everything went cold.

          Draevin’s eyes opened just as the fire dragon slammed into him. His vision was consumed by the devouring inferno, but the heat couldn’t touch him. He was in his own pocket of cold. A layer of mist wafted off of him in an aura. Within it, he let his heart ache at the memory of Sylnya’s roguish smile as she slugged him in the shoulder for some imagined offense or danced in glee when a wager paid out. Nothing could touch that anguish. Least of all some impotent flames. They crashed over him like a wave against a stone.

          When the fire dissipated, Korack was standing there. He had his wand pointed in Draevin’s direction. His eyes went suddenly wide. “You’re… No! It’ss a trick,” Korack hissed.

          Draevin took a step towards him. “No trick,” Draevin said. “You took everything I had left.” He felt empty. Alone. The cold deepened. Frost spread outward with each step he took. The aura of mist around him began to glow with a deep blue light. “Let me show you,” Draevin said. As he spoke, his breath came out in a puff of fog. “Let me show you what that feels like.”

          Korack snarled and shot a pinpoint lance of white hot fire at Draevin. He didn’t even bother trying to dodge. Korack’s fire simply disappeared when it got too close. Draevin felt the barest whiff of warm air on his face.

          “No,” Draevin said. “Not like that.” He held out his hand and snapped his finger. He unleashed his pain. He would let Korack feel exactly what it was like to be alone. At Draevin’s snap, a cloud of icy mist formed around Korack. It surrounded him, then closed in—condensing as it went. Korack summoned a wave of fire to try to stop it, but it was moving in from every direction. The bubble of fog accelerated as it approached him. Korack managed to weaken the spell on his right side where his flames struck, but the rest of it came on unhindered. When the mist reached Korack it kissed him ever so gently. Jagged crystals formed both on and under his scaly skin. The entire left half of his body was frozen.

          Draevin kept advancing towards him. Korack struggled to move. Most of his body was frozen. The ice crystals that formed were smaller the closer to his wand hand they got. Both of his legs were securely fastened to the ground. Korack merely growled his defiance and exhaled jets of fire out his nose. They expanded and swirled around him in a tornado. He stepped out of the flames with burns on half his body.

          Draevin snapped his fingers again. The mist started to form again. This time Korack triggered an explosion of flames under his feet and he flew into the air. Draevin leapt after him. Korack looked back over his shoulder as he flew. When he saw he was being pursued he turned to face Draevin.

          “You think you’re. Hot shit?” he panted.

          “No,” Draevin said simply. “And neither are you.” Draevin snapped his fingers.

          Korack exploded. Fire shot in every direction like a miniature sun. The heat of it didn’t so much as touch Draevin. He held up his hand, thumb pressed to middle finger, and prepared to snap again. Korack roared his fury and conjured another dragon of flames. The dragon flew straight at Draevin.

          Draevin snapped his fingers. There was a puff of cold, then all at once Korack’s dragon simply ceased to exist. “You’re no match for me,” Draevin told him. “Not anymore.” He conjured a dragon of ice as a sort of mockery of Korack’s favored technique. Draevin’s dragon dove forward and swallowed Korack whole. As it faded away Draevin got one last look at his longtime rival. The red scales of the lizard-kin couldn’t be seen under the deep blue of Draevin’s ice. This time Korack was truly frozen. All the way down to his sightless eyes. He fell out of the sky and smashed to the ground. His body broke into jagged pieces.

          “That’s what it feels like,” Draevin said to himself. “To lose everything.”

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Dang, a chapter that didn’t end on a cliff hanger, you know this is serious! Hopefully peter and syl didn’t bite the dust cause it’d really be a shame for them all to go right at the finish line


What did I miss? Why did Istven apologize?

King JVL

I'll answer you two ways: he has a heart now, and for being a selfish dickhead in Tel'Andrid literally causing this entire situation. Note: He didn't cause it, but if they had left in a better order, this could have been mitigated considerably.

Christian White

Peter and syl are now ghosts. Time is frozen around them and death parts reality and enters. Peter is like "hold on one sec syl, I've planned for this"


Is Death now bowing to Istven? Death is going to be very confused with the crown passing around to everyone. And how does Death fit into Hell? I'm assuming Hell is more of a Demon Realm and Death plays a role outside of it?

Allen Mainville

I can feel the melancholy in Draevin’s words.