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          “I’ll talk,” Maeve said. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

          “Start talking then,” Sylnya said. She twisted the arm she had pinned behind Maeve’s back.

          “Ow, ow, ow! I said I’ll talk!”

          Draevin was more worried about Alex—or whatever his real name was. The magic he was using was the only thing keeping Maeve from making their heads explode like she had Heph’s. Alex wiped sweat from his brow with a handkerchief, then pulled out a mana potion from inside his coat.

          “How long can you keep”—Draevin waved his hands in Maeve’s general direction—“this up?” he asked Alex.

          “Long enough,” Alex assured him. He popped the cork off his potion with his thumb and took a swig.

          “Well?” Sylnya prodded again. “Stop talking about talking and actually do it. The man just told you what he wants to know. Peter. Where is he?”

          “He’s in Tel’Andrid, with the rest of the Guild leadership,” Maeve said. “They’re waiting out the Conflux. They just took Peter to rewrite his memories away from prying eyes.”

          “I thought it was impossible to travel to Tel’Andrid,” Draevin pointed out.

          “Yeah,” Sylnya added. “Wasn’t that part of Ryldryn’s wish this year? Why would he wish to free Tel’Andrid if there’s already a way out?”

          Maeve opened her mouth to speak. Her eyes darted nervously between each of the captors standing over her. It was strange actually seeing her eyes, rather than the glowing white orbs that were normally present on eldrin. She didn’t even bother struggling. She really was quite helpless without magic. “It’s a ruse,” she admitted. “All of it. We plan who’s going to win ahead of time. The rest is for show. Not even the citizens of Tel’Andrid are in on it.”

          “We’d pretty much figured that much out by now,” Draevin said dryly.

          “A secret shared among many is no secret at all,” Istven said like he was quoting something. Draevin gave him a questioning look. “It is an eldrin saying,” he explained.

          “He’s right,” Wix chimed in. Draevin’s old elven war buddy spoke in a calm monotone as she joined the group. Her lips quivered and her eyes stared into the middle distance, but it seemed like she wanted to contribute. “To keep a secret for this long the circle of conspirators would need to be as small as possible.”

          “So how do we get Peter back then?” Draevin asked. “Just tell us that. Is it a spell?”

          Maeve shook her head. “Only mana can cross the barrier. There are only two ways across: an Astral Projection, or Archmage Caladin’s device.”

          “I know Peter didn’t Astral Project,” Draevin told her. He’d talked to Emperor Tarrish. If Peter had been anywhere in Eldira the dragon would have known. “So tell us about this device.”

          “It was Archmage Caladin’s magnum opus,” Maeve said. “It was transferred to Tel’Andrid centuries ago.” A hint of a smile returned to her face as she delivered that final note of bad news. Sylnya gave her arm another twist. “Hey! I’m just telling you what you want to know!”

          “Don’t look so damn happy about it,” Sylnya warned. The smirk melted from Maeve’s face and Sylnya relaxed the captive arm.

          “Just great!” Draevin complained. “If that thing’s inside then we need the device to get the device!”

          “Not so,” Maeve said. “It can be activated from this side.”

          “You know how to do that?” Alex asked. The older human took another swig of his mana potion.

          “Sure,” Maeve said happily, “I can open the door for you… if you ask nicely.”

          Sylnya grabbed Maeve’s pinky and held it between two thorny fingers. “How about I not break your finger if you help us out.”

          Alex tsked in disappointment. “That’s not how you torture someone,” he chastised.

          “This is foolish,” Istven interrupted. He appealed to Draevin. “She could lead us right into a trap. We have no way of knowing if she’s even telling the truth.” He pointed to Wix. “Unless this new girl knows cerebromancy.”

          Wixerna shook her head. She didn’t look sad, just… done. “No,” she told him, “sorry to disappoint. Just aeromancy from me.”

          Alex downed the rest of his potion and threw it against the ground next to where Sylnya had Maeve’s face held firm. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to flinch back as small shards of glass flew into her face. “I’ve had just about enough of this!” Alex shouted. He gave a whistle to his men who were in the process of hogtying the few members of the Guild guards that hadn’t been killed in the fight. Two of them broke off and came over.

          “Yeah, boss?” one of them asked when they got there. Both men had a few open wounds that hadn’t yet been attended to, but somehow it just made them look meaner.

          “Take over for the dryad and hold her down,” Alex told them, pointing to Maeve. His men moved to obey without question. Maeve gave a grunt as the heavier men pressed their weight on her back. Sylnya stood up and thanked them as she stretched.  “The way I see things, I’ve got two problems,” Alex said. He slid the flat of his blade against his pant leg as he talked, polishing it. “One: I need to find my nephew. And two: when I find him he’s going to need some new vellum to replace that scroll he used in his last match.” Alex cocked his head to the side. “Think there’s some way I can solve both problems?”

          “I reckon there is, boss,” one of his men said.

          The conversation was starting to take a dark turn. Draevin felt like he had to say something. “You’re not seriously suggesting we—” Wix placed a hand on his arm.

          “Let him,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “She killed Heph.

          “She killed some of my men too,” Alex added. He jerked a thumb back to where the bulk of the fighting had happened and Draevin saw that two of the bodies not moving on the ground looked too muscly to be Guild guards. “It’s about time someone taught her the value of human life.”

          “Through torture though?” Draevin asked. “What’s that really going to teach her?”

          Alex shrugged. “I never said I was a very good teacher.” He smiled, and there wasn’t a hint of joy in his eyes.

          “Wait. Hold on just a second!” Maeve shouted. “I said I’d help you get Inside. I was just kidding about the asking nice part! I’ll tell you everything you want to know!”

          “See, that’s the thing,” Alex said. “You’re so damn keen to talk. Too keen.”

          “So you want me to shut up? I’ll shut up!”

          “That’s not it either. I think there’s stuff you want to tell us and things you don’t. I’m thinking you need some intrinsic motivation to convince you there’s nothing you don’t want to tell us.”

          “What?” Maeve asked. She was looking panicked. “I’ll tell you… or won’t tell you anything! I don’t understand what you want from me!”

          Draevin stepped forward. “Guys, don’t you think this is getting a little—”

          Istven stepped between Draevin and Maeve. “Leave it, elf. I have something I need to discuss with you.”

          Alex dropped down to one knee and leaned close to Maeve’s ear. Whatever he whispered to her, she went from looking merely panicked to full-on struggling against the two heavy men pinning her down.

          “Please!” she shouted to Draevin. “You’ve got to help me! You can’t let them do this!”

          Istven pulled Draevin away before the cutting started. Draevin realized he wasn’t going to be able to stop them, but that didn’t mean he wanted to sit around and watch. He took the excuse Istven was offering to step away and then constructed a small Wall of Ice to block most of the sounds of Maeve’s sudden screaming. “It occurred to me in that last fight that the god-killer, Dred’slynt, might be useful to have on hand.”

          “And you don’t have it on hand?” Draevin asked. “I gave it to you for safe-keeping. What did you do with it?”

          Istven leveled a flat look at Draevin. “I put the bow somewhere that was intentionally hard to get to,” he said. “I can retrieve it now, but it will take some time.”

          “Well then go ahead and do that,” Draevin told him. “We’ll need all the firepower we can get if we have to go into enemy territory to get Peter back. Why did you need to pull me away to tell me this?”

          “Because…” Istven trailed off and didn’t say anything for a long moment. Maeve’s screeches continued in the background. “I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. Once it’s in play the bow could be used against us, and I cannot wield it and my crown at the same time. It is… we may regret retrieving it.”

          “Istven,” Draevin said. He studied the impassive eldrin prince. This was the first time he’d ever sounded unsure of himself. “Doesn’t your crown make you immune to Dred’Slynt? It almost sounds like you’re worried about us.”

          Istven’s lip curled up in disdain. “Don’t be a fool. Just… don’t go anywhere until I return.” Without any more of a warning Istven melted into his shadow and disappeared.

          “Aww, I think you hurt his feelings,” Sylnya said as she approached from Draevin’s side.

          “You heard that? I’m not fully convinced Istven has feelings.” In truth, he was starting to doubt that.

          “Anger’s a feeling,” Sylnya pointed out.

          “Yeah… he does seem to have plenty enough of that to go around.”

          Wix stepped out from behind the wall of ice. Her eyes were hard. “I think I’ve had my fill,” she said. “If I watch anymore, I might be sick.”

          Wix had been right next to Heph when Maeve had killed him. Draevin remembered seeing her staring at his body for far too long. “It’s still kind of unbelievable,” he told her.

          “I know,” she agreed. Even though neither of them had said anything specific, it seemed like they both knew exactly what the other was thinking. “Just like that.”

          “How long did you know him?” Sylnya asked.

          “Long enough,” Draevin said. Despite them losing touch since Aelaniss died it still felt like the right answer.

          After a few minutes one of Alex’s human thugs stepped around the ice wall. “Alex wants to talk to you,” he told them.

          Draevin was somewhat hesitant to see what this supposed serial killer had done to cause all that screaming, but when he absorbed his wall back into his armor he was surprised to find that Maeve didn’t actually look much different. Her eyes were maybe a bit more wild, but that was about it. One time when Draevin was young he’d seen a horse get so spooked by the distant howls of a wolf pack that it had bolted off the side of a cliff in the middle of the night. Maeve’s eyes sort of reminded him of that horse.

          “I didn’t have to ask her any questions,” Alex said. He wiped some blood from his hands with a rag while he talked. The blood was red with only the barest hint of a glimmer to it to suggest it might have been eldrin blood. Draevin noticed that the dark glow of Alex’s magic had left him, but considering how not-dead they were he assumed they must’ve found some other way to disable Maeve.

          “I take it she told you what you wanted to hear anyways,” Sylnya said.

          Alex nodded. “The device is called a Mana Converter. It can turn matter into mana and back again. That’s what they use to get past the barrier. She said the only way to use it is to hold Tel’Andrid and speak the proper command word to activate it.”

          “I take it she told you that word?” Draevin asked Alex.

          “Periculum,” Alex said. “But there’s one more thing. She says she got a report from Tel’Andrid right before we showed up. Apparently they were having trouble getting into Peter’s head. They were about to try a different method. If we don't move fast it might be too late.”

          “Wait… you’re not suggesting we actually go in there to get him, are you? Doesn’t that seem a bit reckless? I mean there’s an entire city in there and for all we know they’re all hostile. Can’t we just trade Maeve for Peter?”

          Alex shook his head. “No, they’ll just stall until they can trade us a brain-washed version of him. If we actually want to be able to rescue the real Peter we need to go in there and get him. Now.”

          “What about Maeve?” Draevin asked.

          “I vote we just kill her,” Sylnya spoke up. “We got what we needed out of her, didn’t we?”

          “Yeah,” Wix agreed. “After what she did, she has to pay. Just… do it quick this time.”

          “Oh, I don’t disagree,” Alex said, “but she’s quite contained. I’ve drained all her mana away. I’d rather hold on to her for a while. At least until we have Peter back in our hands.”

          “I have to agree,” Draevin said. “She’s likely to be more valuable alive than dead. But you should check those guards. Maybe one of them had a pair of enchanted shackles. It would certainly give us all some piece of mind. We can’t always depend on you to be ready with that lunamancy you were using on her.”

          “What kind of lunamancy is that anyway?” Wix asked the human.

          Alex shrugged. “Can’t say. It’s not like I had anything close to a proper education on the subject. I just sort of felt it out. I just… wanted to destroy the thing she loved most and it happened.”

          Draevin shared a look with Sylnya. “Is that how lunamancy works?” Draevin asked.

          “Why do you think I’d know the answer to that question, Drae?” Sylnya said. “The only spell from that harmonic that I’ve ever seen is the curse that was used on Taelshin.”

          “About Taelshin,” Alex spoke up. “She and I have some plans that have been in the works for a while. I’m going to have to stay here to carry them out. I hope you’ll understand.”

          “I think I do,” Draevin told him. He’d seen all the preparations back at the human camp. Some plan involving a group of combat-ready dryads seemed like it was likely to require some of Alex’s attention.

          “Good. So you’ll go? And bring Peter back?”

          “Well it’s not like we can finish the tournament without him,” Draevin said. “So I don’t see what choice I have.” This year would have to be it. If the world was going to end anyway, Draevin wanted to have Aelaniss by his side when it did. He wasn’t likely to get a better chance than this.

          Alex gave Draevin his usual jovial smile and a slap on the back. “Glad to hear it!” he said. Draevin wondered how he could go from doing… whatever he’d done to Maeve, to just… back to normal. The older human had seemed eccentric and maybe a little tricky to Draevin before; now Draevin was afraid to turn his back on him.

          “Wait, what about that wand?” Sylnya asked. “It would be pretty helpful. We don’t have a clue what we’ll be walking into over there.”

          “My wand was destroyed Sylnya,” Draevin reminded her. “Don’t you remember my fight with Unit-17?”

          Sylnya bopped Draevin on the side of the head. “Not your wand Drae. The Boom Stick!”

          “Oh. Right.”

          Alex frowned. “I don’t know. We’re probably going to need the thing out here.”

          “If you don’t mind me asking,” Wix chimed in. “How exactly did you guys end up with Archmage Caladin’s Pyroclastic Rod of Destruction in the first place? I thought it was supposed to be a part of the Eldesian treasury.”

          “Well Caelnaste is the one who gave it to that goblin during the tournament,” Draevin told her. “At least I’m pretty sure it was her.”

          “That explains the goblin, but the Guild carted him off in round two.”

          “Peter picked it up after the goblin dropped it,” Alex told her. “He gave it to me for safe keeping. What does it matter?”

          “I was just hoping you were about to tell me you had a man inside the Guild,” Wix explained. “Don’t worry about it.”

          “Already forgotten, now who’s going?” Alex asked. He reached behind his back and held up an unassuming white rock the size of his fist. Draevin recognized it as the stone that had been fitted to the end of Ryldryn’s staff in the first round. It was an absolutely perfect sphere with a vague impression of miniature buildings painted onto the side of it. There was nothing else like it.

          “Well obviously I’m going,” Draevin said.

          “Me and Kot too,” Sylnya volunteered.

          “I don’t know,” Wix said. “I’ve never even met this Peter. I’m sure he’s a great guy and all, but I’m not sure how much help I would even be.”

          “Don’t feel like you have to go,” Draevin told her.

          Wix frowned. Her eyes glanced over in the direction of Heph’s body, then Maeve’s. “I’ll think about it,” she said.

          “I’m going! I’m going!” Grrbraa shouted. He was on the other side of the room, but apparently he’d been following their conversation anyways. He rushed over on all fours. “Mother-Taelshin already gave me permission!”

          “I’m not really sure she knew that we might—” Draevin started to say.

          “I’m going!” Grrbraa practically barked over him.

          “Fine. I’m sure we could use the extra security.”

          “Yes! Extra security. I’m very good at that!”

          “And you’ll catch Istven up on things when he gets back?” Draevin asked Alex. The black prince had certainly been insistent on coming along if they were going anywhere, but if they were working under serious time constraints Draevin wasn’t feeling up to waiting around.

          “Of course. I’m sure he’ll be here any minute.” Alex pushed Tel’Andrid into Draevin’s hands.

          “How am I supposed to use this thing?” Draevin asked him.

          “Who is this? What’s happened to May?” a voice in Draevin’s head suddenly spoke up.

          “You mean Maeve?” Draevin asked the voice. He looked down at the white stone the voice seemed to be emanating from.

          “Yes I mean Maeve,” the voice said. “Is she alright?

          Alex poked Draevin in the arm and leaned in. “Tell them the password,” he whispered in Draevin’s ear. “Periculum.

          “She’s… alive,” Draevin answered the voice. He glanced over guiltily at the spot where Maeve was lying on the ground. He couldn’t see any visible injuries, but he had no doubt whatsoever that they were there. “She told me to tell you: periculum.”

          “Periculum. Of course,” the voice said. “One moment.

          A white light emanated from the stone Draevin was holding. It enveloped him completely, then a numbness spread over his extremities. With some horror Draevin watched his body dissolve away... Until there was nothing left. His vision narrowed to a point and then winked out.

          Fancy meeting you here. Tenna’s voice echoed in Draevin’s mind.

          “Here?” Draevin asked the darkness. He couldn’t see anything. Least of all Tenna. “Where’s here?

          He heard some tittering laughter that could have been Tenna’s. This is Nowhere, silly.

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It feels like they underestimate Maeve at every turn.

Allen Mainville

I’m not sure that’s what has happened here. I could be wrong, but after everything Alex did to her, I have to imagine she gave them the right passphrase. We know she wasn’t lying about mana being the only thing that can get in and out of Tel’Andrid, so I don’t think she lied about that either. Or maybe I’m just a fool and she fooled me too. I dunno. Seems to me what just happened is that Draevin got converted into mana and met Tenna again, which makes me think that Tuan’Diath are people who at some point or another got converted into mana. Edit: the whole thing is probably a trap, but I suspect that Elder Jaelyn merely sees this as an opportunity to handle the party Inside as well, rather than just converting them all into mana and never converting them back. Then again, if that does happen, I imagine they’ll find a way to right that somehow.

Nathan B

So Maeve is elder Jaelyn's daughter which means that probably was a trap.

Allen Mainville

I didn’t think I would say this so soon, but Alex is a scary son of a bitch. Hearing he’s an infamous serial killer is one thing. Watching him skin Maeve while she’s still alive to both torture her and get Peter a new scroll is way more than I anticipated. Only way you could squick me out more is for him to start pulling teeth or gouging out eyes.


I (personally) am squeamish about overt gore. Some blood and viscera in an action scene is one thing, but describing the intricate details of someone's eyes being gouged out is something else entirely...


Gerby. buddy... I have no Idea why your moms thought "Now that he's eight, let's enter our son in the most contested deathmatch available." Maybe it has something to do with people eating dryad genitals for healing? Not your fault that your moms didn't let you socialize properly. The thing is, if you continue this relationship with their rules, they are gonna acquire legal representation before agreeing to let you do _anything_ and I can guarantee that their terms won't include fun.


Gerby is a Master Manipulator. He knows how to use his cute and cuddly persona to get what he wants from his mothers. He probably begged for weeks before they agreed to let him compete.