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          Your Majesty,

          Below is the request I have received from the Countess of Stillwatch requesting immediate relief for her Stormwatcher’s Guild. There has been recent Everstorm activity off the Northeastern coast of Idith, near the town of Stillwatch. They are requesting an immediate shipment of food, both solid and liquid. To start they are asking for 5,000 potions and 500 mana crystals of at least ten carats in size or larger. Further, Countess Claneer has declared a state of emergency and evacuated all non-Stormwatcher citizens to Whitemeadow.

          For your convenience I have had my generals map out the situation. I already sent all the surplus food I had on hand which amounted to 863 potions, 26 ten carat mana crystals and an assortment of smaller pieces that had yet to be recycled. I ordered the local Well Watchers to scour their wells immediately and we will be sending what we can by the time you read this message.

          I recognize, of course, that this will limit our next resupply to the front lines in Trenal, but I judged this situation to be more immediately threatening and had to make a decision before waiting to hear back from you.

          If you choose not to approve the resupply shipment, the town will need to be abandoned by this evening.

          Humbly awaiting your reply,

          Protector of Idith Duchy. Lady Ravanna.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Three Days from Conflux.

          Duchess Ravanna,

          Please alert her Majesty about our situation as soon as possible! I have confiscated all food supplies from the local citizenry and funneled it to our Stormwatchers. Refugees are headed South on foot. There is no mana to spare for faster transport. We have burned through three months of rations since yesterday day and it is not enough!

          Stillwatch has seven blink wells to supply mana in normal circumstances. Currently only two are active and we are capturing all available output. I have humans digging through the night in shifts to try to get any of the others to activate. We’ve even resorted to digging new wells where we hope the leyline has moved—so far none of these efforts have been successful.

          It started yesterday in the late afternoon. The Everstorm came rumbling over the horizon like nothing I’ve seen in my lifetime. It wasn’t meandering like usual, it was moving with purpose. It took a great effort from the calomancers to push it back, but when they did it didn’t retreat back to the open ocean—it came back! It has done so every time we’ve pushed it back. It’s like it wants something. What value this thing sees in our coastal town I cannot explain.

          The head of the local Stormwatchers claims he’s never seen behavior like this before from the Everstorm. He says that each time he throws it back it returns sooner and requires more mana than the last time. As I draft this request we are expecting it to return in one hour’s time if the current trend continues. We might have enough mana on hand to keep it at bay. In three more hours after that it should return yet again and by then we won’t have the mana we need to repel it if aid is not sent immediately.

          We will have to abandon the town.

          Tell her Majesty that we’ve done all we can. I will be the last to leave the town if the worst should come to pass. We can get through another two days if we are resupplied with at least 5,000 potions and 500 ten carat mana crystals.

          Urgently awaiting your response,

          Protector of Stillwatch, Countess Claneer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


          Duchess Ravanna,

          I will approve an immediate resupply of 2,000 potions but tell Claneer I expect much of that to go towards feeding her citizens. We can’t be seen to be throwing our own people out into the countryside without even food to eat—that is how highwaymen get started. Send a patrol of combat wizards along your northern road and see that those poor people are returned safely. Pull from your local barracks as needed; I will not be supplying soldiers from Trenal to fix this disaster.

          The Everstorm has obviously become fixated on the Conflux for some reason; just look at the route it is taking! Instead of repelling the storm directly, tell Claneer to send it Northward on its next approach. From there it will become Setsya’s problem and as they are not currently engaged in open warfare I expect they will be equipped to handle it until the Conflux has come and gone.

          If Countess Claneer can’t handle this, please advise her that it would probably be best she let the storm take her. She will like much less what I will do to her if she wastes more state resources on this foolishness!

          Your Queen,



Since the vote last week was so close, I decided to draw up this document in addition to the Tuan'diath doc. :D You deserve it. Thanks for all the support! <3

King JVL

We knew Evey was mad at Isty, but this is pretty crazy!


Haha! Istven causing problems for Eldesia even when it's not his goal atm

Allen Mainville

Ah yes, let’s play a game of “Hot Potato” with a magical storm that might have the power to destroy the world in the right circumstances. Surely nothing could go wrong.


Was it Istven or was it the giant Peter barrier Istven touched the crown with.


Any chance of this from Setsya’s POV?