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          Draevin jumped through the portal and into Hell. Hot acrid air invaded his lungs for just a second, then he stepped through the next portal and emerged back in the mortal plane once more. In one step he had crossed the entire distance to The Pot. A very surprised looking gnome dressed in Guild livery was currently sitting on it. Draevin merely held out his grey-skinned hand and the gnome fell backwards off The Pot and out of his way.

          When Draevin reached the seat of the mana well he didn’t even bother sitting on it. He just stuck his arm right down the hole and absolutely drowned it in mana. The creeping pain in his arm finally stopped.

          “What is the meaning of this?” Perseus shouted at his backside. “Is that a rift to Hell?”

          “His hand was grey,” the gnome declared in horror as he fled down the hill.

          Draevin craned his neck back to look at Perseus. His face had adopted the proper mix of fear and disgust. “Greyskin…” Perseus muttered under his breath.

          “Yes,” Draevin confirmed. “I was poisoned. Didn’t the hand give it away?” He looked around for Peter and saw him dive through the Hell portal just as it was getting too small to fit through anymore. The human seemed to float to the ground gently and took a strangely long time getting his bearings. When he opened his mouth to speak, Draevin knew something was wrong with him.

          “Aaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy…” he started to say in a low-pitched voice that didn’t even sound like him. He just kept moaning a single tone in that same voice until Draevin was forced to try to talk over him.

          “Peter? Are you okay?”


          Perseus stepped forward and pointed to the fiery portal still closing behind him. “I can’t let you open Hell portals so close to The Pot. It isn’t safe. Close it immediately.”

          “….uuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrr…,” was the only response that came from Peter. It appeared he was getting slower and slower by the moment.

          “I don’t know what happened to him,” Draevin volunteered, “but he was fine just a second ago.” Had he though? It had all happened too fast to tell.

          Perseus turned back Draevin’s way. “Were you the one that opened that portal then? It must be closed immediately.” He snapped a finger to get the attention of a nearby Guild acolyte that was waiting in line to use The Pot. The short-haired eldrin looked surprised to find Perseus addressing him. “You there! Fetch the guards immediately. Tell them we have an emergency at The Pot. A Hell portal in the ambient range.” The acolyte nodded his head and took off down the hill at a sprint.

          “Umm, no, I didn’t open that,” Draevin answered. “I think that was Peter. I didn’t actually see him do it, but it had to have been him.”

          Perseus glanced back at Draevin with an angry scowl, then turned back to Peter. He tried waving his hand in front of the human’s face and snapping his fingers. “Hello. Peter! This is important! Can you hear me?”

          “…uuuuuuuuuuhhhh…” he continued to moan. His eyes weren’t even following their movements.

          “Oh!” Draevin said, when he realized what might be happening. “We were in some kind of time dilation field before we came here. He was in it longer than me. It’s possible he’s suffering chronomancy feedback.”

          Perseus tried physically grabbing Peter, but even that wasn’t working. It was like his body was suspended in porridge for how sluggishly it responded to Perseus’s touch. Draevin still had his arm down The Pot and he was finally starting to get tingles of feeling to return around his shoulder. The grey skin was receding.

          “Is anyone here skilled in combat magics?” Perseus asked the crowd waiting to use The Pot.

          “I’m pretty good at pyromancy,” an elf in purple Guild livery replied, “but my mana is really low right now.”

          Just then the reason for Perseus’s frantic agitation became apparent. From deep within the Hell rift the screeching of a demon sounded. It triggered some deep primal terror in Draevin’s mind and all the fine hairs on his skin pricked up at once. His instincts screamed at him to run for his life, and if not for the threat of imminent death from greyskin poison, he might have.

          “Anyone not handy in a fight right now needs to leave!” Perseus warned. He didn’t have to warn them twice. Everyone in line took off down the hill in a stampede. In moments only Peter, Perseus and Draevin remained. “Great. Useless, every one of them,” Perseus cursed at their backs.

          “Are those guards going to be here soon?” Draevin asked nervously. The Hell rift had been narrowing when they first arrived, but it never finished closing. It was now the size of a porthole and giving off sputtering red sparks. And most critically, it had stopped getting smaller. The screeching on the other side was answered by a chorus of bone-chilling cries. One of them sounded far too much like an elf howling in mortal terror.

          Perseus looked over at Draevin. His jaw was set but there were worry lines all along his over-sized forehead. “I don’t think those guards are going to get here in time. This is not how I expected this day to go...” He studied Draevin more critically for a moment, likely taking in the missing cryomancy defenses. “How about you? Are you going to be of any help?”

          “As soon as this greyskin burns off,” Draevin assured him. It didn’t sound like the demons were going to wait that long. The shrieks were getting closer.

          Perseus just sighed and turned back to the rift with Peter standing in front of it. “Just going to have to do this myself then,” he said. The Guild elf raised his hands and the very earth around the portal started to boil and flow like liquid. It had been a while since Draevin had seen Perseus fight in the arena, but he’d been a decently talented lutumancer back in the day. The earth separated clay from soil and a mound of the stuff flowed out of the ground to cover the rift. The sound of demonic screeching on the other side stopped.

          Draevin relaxed. “Oh, that’s excellent. What were you so concerned about if you could just do that the whole time?”

          Perseus grabbed Peter by both shoulders and started slowly pushing him through the air towards The Pot. “It’s not a solution. It’s only going to slow them down,” Perseus told him. “The ambient mana from The Pot will keep the rift open as long as the person who opened the rift continues to will it so. Once the demons reach it they can force it open further on their end. We need to get a sanguimancer out here as soon as possible.”

          “That… I’ve never heard of that happening before,” Draevin admitted.

          “That’s because we have regulations governing these things! Sanguimancers have to register with the Guild and go through a certification process. This is what happens when you dabble in things you don’t understand!” Perseus got Peter reasonably close to Draevin, then turned back to his ball of clay. It was smoking. “You said you were stuck in a time dilation field? Those use a lot of power. How long were you in it?”

          “Me? Maybe two minutes.”

          “That’s probably safe. What about Peter? His time is moving at a fraction of the normal pace. I’ve never seen a case this bad.”

          “Oh him? Let’s see…” Draevin tried to take a guess. “I jumped out early but the spell was still going and he stayed behind. He must’ve been in there for ten minutes. That was our best guess at how much time the spell had left.”

          Perseus scratched his chin. “Ten minutes? That’s it? Well maybe he’ll snap out of it soon. The fact that the sanguimancer in question can’t be coerced into ending their spell is a peculiar situation, but not entirely unprecedented. We’ll just have to treat this as a scenario three,” he explained. The smoking ball of clay started to shake. Something was happening on the other side.

          “What’s a scenario three?” Draevin asked.

          “Enemy at the gates,” Perseus said grimly. His hands moved through a rapid series of hand signs more complex than anything Draevin was even capable of. More clay flowed out of the ground and slowly began to take on a vaguely humanoid shape.

          Draevin used his free hand to pull his wand out of his holster and point it ineffectually toward the clay-wrapped portal. It felt uncomfortably similar to a situation he’d been in only minutes ago. When he tried forming a spell the mana came to him, then immediately got sucked into his arm. It was hopeless. He promised himself not to allow himself to be so thoroughly drained of mana again. At least not during this particular tournament. “Those guards sure are great at never being around when you actually need them,” Draevin commented dryly.

          “They’ll be here soon. We just have to hang on until then. Angimar should be on shift. He’ll know to bring a sanguimancer with him.” Perseus backed up until he was close enough to The Pot to sap out some mana without touching Draevin. His clay golem finished forming and he took a step forward, pressed his palm against it and spoke in a commanding voice. “Defend me.” The golem shuddered, then took a step forward on its own and got into a defensive posture. Perseus immediately got to work on another golem.

          The clay wrapped around the portal had hardened into a tough ceramic shell due to the heat of the rift it was covering. It wasn’t strong enough though. A blade suddenly punched through it and slashed a hole right open. A piercing demonic shriek cut through the air immediately. Perseus made a curt gesture and a glob of clay flew up to patch the hole once more.

          “If anything happens to me,” Draevin told Perseus, “make sure you tell the Guild that Caelnaste tried to assassinate me after my match.”

          “Is that what happened?” Perseus asked distractedly. He pressed his hand against his second golem and intoned loudly, “Defend me!” He continued speaking as though he hadn’t been interrupted. “You can tell me all about it later.”

          Draevin looked down the hill a ways over by the guildhall and saw some troops mustering out front. It was too far away to get any detail, but it definitely looked like more than a handful of people. He looked next at Perseus’s clay shell. Jagged claws pierced through it from the other side and Perseus sent yet more clay to cover it up. Draevin was starting to have doubts that the guards would arrive fast enough.

          The first fanged demon face burst its way through and got a heavy fist of wet clay for its trouble. It was quickly replaced by another. Perseus stopped talking as he focused on trying to hold the demons at bay. He directed a steady stream of wet earth out of the ground but despite his efforts the shell covering the Hell rift was only getting smaller over time.

          A small demon with a bristling coat of spines squeezed its way through the portal. It was some kind of quadruped the size of a dog with a long forked tongue. One of Perseus’s golems pounced on the creature and pinned it down. Soft clay wasn’t really the kind of attack to kill a creature like that, but it could certainly restrain it. A second one slipped through a moment later. The creature took a moment to shake the coating of clay off itself and was tackled by the other golem.

          Meanwhile, more demons were clawing at the edges of the ceramic barrier in their haste to get through the portal. The hole the smaller hounds had taken widened some more and the next demon to make an appearance at the front was one of those saber demons that had tried to kill Draevin during registration. This one had two black nubs on its forehead and sickly-white skin that appeared to be stretched haphazardly over its body. The eyes were the worst part; they smoldered like there was an actual fire burning inside them. For all Draevin knew there might actually be.

          The vile creature snapped and snarled with teeth too big for its mouth as it slashed at one of the golems with an arm made of sharpened black iron. It cut the golem in half from shoulder to torso. Without the defender to block its way, the demon squeezed through the threshold. Several imps slipped out behind it and took to the sky immediately. Right behind them, a second saber demon began to push its way through the threshold.

          Draevin was reminded of how Trundle had told him earlier that saber demons were really dangerous. Considering the sort of company the little gnome kept, it was a recommendation he put a lot of weight in. He wanted desperately to fight or flee. Anything but sit there uselessly waiting to die.

          “Damn,” Perseus said. He waved a hand to join the bottom half of the first golem to the remainder of the other and it charged forward to wrap the saber demon in a hug. The two went down in a heap and that seemed to work to restrain it, but a second saber demon was on the way and it was only a matter of time before the first one broke free of the heavy clay. Draevin looked at the Hell rift and saw a third saber demon behind the second, and two more behind those. Enemies at the gates indeed.

          “Is there any end to them?” Draevin asked.

          Perseus didn’t answer. “I’ll, uh, try to lead them away,” he said instead. The second saber demon looked their way and charged for them. Perseus ran forward to meet it, then juked away on a moving slick of earth. He just managed to dodge the thing, and it turned to follow him. The ground beneath Perseus’s feet was his to control, but even with that advantage he struggled to out-speed the demon. It pumped spindly legs and charged after him as he fled down the hill. Before he got completely out of range Perseus threw a ball of mud at the third saber demon crawling through the rift. His ball smacked it dead center in the face.

          Draevin was glad of the distraction, but he was still stuck to The Pot and more demons were coming through. By now there was nothing left blocking the portal except its relatively small size. One saber demon was one the ground, covered in clay. Another was busy jabbing its own blades into its face to try to get rid of the clay that Perseus had thrown at it, but a fourth demon stepped through behind the last one. The two spiny demons that had first been taken down by the golems were still on the ground as well, but their airways had been covered in clay and it looked like they weren’t moving anymore. Small victory. More imps were escaping every second though. Thankfully the new fliers seemed content to seek prey elsewhere.

          Draevin came to the realization that “leading them away” might have just been Perseus’s way of fleeing the battlefield. The next saber demon clawing its way through the rift looked right at Draevin. A chill went down his spine.

          Something much bigger, with a forest of tentacles at its command plugged up the portal from there. In the short term it was probably a good thing for Draevin as at least no more saber demons were going to come through, but if the Guild didn’t show up before the larger thing pushed its way through they were going to have some serious problems.

          The last unhampered saber demon let loose a deeper roar than the others and charged at Draevin. This one had flaming horns on its head that stuck straight up. Perseus was long gone and Peter was still moaning some impotent nonsense. Now would have been a really great time for the human to snap back to the present but it didn’t look like it was going to happen. The choice quickly became between running away and taking his chances with the poison or staying put and dying of multiple stab wounds. Draevin chose the former and jumped over The Pot and started down the other side of the hill.

          Something deep and throaty snarled behind Draevin as he charged headlong down the hill. It didn’t sound like a saber demon and he hadn’t been stabbed yet so he took a chance glancing over his shoulder. The sight that met him almost brought a tear to his eye. It was a furry brown werebeast tumbling with the saber demon on the side of the hill. He really needed a break like that.

          In the chaotic tumble of the two fighters Draevin caught sight of a flash of silver on the werebeast’s head that confirmed it was the lovable puppy he knew by the name Grrbraa. He wanted to help, but Grrbraa looked like he had it under control and the tingle of greyskin poison had already come back. Draevin checked his infected arm and found the poison quickly marching back up his arm and rounding his elbow for the second time. Whatever else was going on back up the hill, he’d have to take his chances. He only had seconds to live if he didn’t return to The Pot.

          Frantically crawling on all threes—his dead arm being useless—Draevin skirted around the tussling fighters and re-summited the hill. When he reached the top he found a battle underway. The massive tentacle demon was reaching out appendages and trying to grab Guild guards. Several members with enchanted swords were running around chopping tentacles down when they tried to grab fellow wizards and a pair of lizard-kin were shooting massive gouts of fire at the creature. The Hell rift had grown wider, as though the tentacle demon was stretching it out. It was currently wide enough for a horse-drawn carriage to fit through and growing. Apparently that was still too small for this particular demon.

          Nobody was looking behind them while Draevin returned to his spot on The Pot. He watched things progress warily as he stuck his arm down the well again. Peter was still standing still. Or mostly still. He had one hand raised partway up to his face but it looked like it would be another hour before it got there. Hopefully his chronomancy feedback would wear off before then.

          “Huh,” Draevin thought to himself aloud, “I always thought humans were more resistant to feedback. Guess not.” He figured it was probably just something they said to make them do mana crystal harvesting.

          There weren’t very many orcs that qualified for employment with the Guild, but one of them was present at the battle. It seemed like he was probably the sanguimancer because he was dripping blood from his hands and chanting.

          The battle was looking like it could go either way. One last wizard arrived to throw in their support. Flying in wearing a shimmery dress that sparkled blues and whites in the afternoon sun came Maeve. It was time to see if she was all show or not.

          “Step back from the portal if you don’t want to die,” she projected over the sound of demonic shrieking. A few of the wizards looked up at the sound of her voice and the tentacle demon snatched one of them by the ankle and tossed them towards its mouth on the other side of the portal.

          It was right about then that Draevin started to feel a little guilty for causing all this trouble.

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Gregoire Brougher

"He figured it was probably just something they said to make them do mana crystal harvesting."-Dreavin over here slowly becoming a full blown revolutionary.


I like Maeve. She's a bad ass.


I wonder when Peter loses his temper and confronts the guild about Caelnaste and why they let her keep trying to murder Draevin... or when the guild decides that Caelnaste had enough attempts at it and put a stop to it on their own...


I mean at this point you've got to be wondering if she was specifically alerted to the threat... which would imply she is actually powerful? She's certainly had a few displays of power more impressive than anything coming out of the judge's stands.


I don't want to quote it or anything, but there's a hint about this in past chapters if you go looking for it!