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The Trash Queen hath come. Mischief shall ensue.

This project has been an absolute blast! I started working on it back in October 2022 just because I wanted to see her wearing fishnets and maybe pasties - and it only got better from there.

I never really talk about these things, or anything really, pardon my hermitry - my art is more interesting than my life - but I've been struggling with motivation for the last uh... several months, maybe a year, can't remember. I got to the point where everything I made felt too easy and/or like a reiteration of something I've already made, and therefore incredibly unsatisfying. It did terrible things to my already poor mental state. Still does sometimes, but this situation pushed me to seek new subject matter, as well as new techniques for old things - and techniques for new things too.

Enter trash dog, as I affectionately call her. I've learned a ton from this project, not only about making things new and old, but also managed to mostly unlearn several perfectionist habits which had been holding my art back for years. And thanks to this project, I finally feel - once more - like I'm making something new and exciting, even if the messier approach stresses me out sometimes. It's a struggle, but I'm winning.

Now, I know some of you are wondering: no, this version of Jinjing-Yu will not replace the original one. Think of it as a parallel universe thing if you want to. There are no canons, for they are a limit, and limits are not what I need in my life. Nor are they what this dog needs. :) However, I AM going to focus more on this version for a while. It's a much needed change, you now understand.

Anyway I'm really excited for more trash dog art, and I hope so are you! It's gonna get weird as heck tho. You're gonna be weirded out. That's a promise. Enjoy. :)




glad you are betterish <3 if you ever feel the need you could always ask the hive (that is us, the greenery producer(money)) for a brainstorming(in form of a poll or something i dont know im not social) if you need some "change of ideas" which doesnt mean you have to do it but maybe another view might give you an insight of something you want to do.


This has been an amazing series to watch! And glad it helped you too! Looking forward to more, as always!


That would work decently well if it weren't for the fact that some ideas are even less fun to make than doing the same things over and over haha. In the end it would just be like I'm bothering y'all with that. But hey, I'm managing; thanks for the care and support. <3