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We are a torrent of glitches,

But the grass won't grow above us;

Only around us.

Yet we cannot mimic it.

I'll be flowing against you,

Up here;

Away from your broken laws,

Down below.

And let's agree to

Stay inside

Our separate wastelands

Of terminal mistakes.


HERE is also a 1080p wallpaper version of this piece. ^.^

See those clouds? They're not real. They're rendered. *successful noises* I've been working on ways to make physically-correct, procedural, volumetric clouds for a very long time, and only recently came up with a good method that's also relatively fast. And it's not fast at all. XD This took like 3 hours to render, while without the clouds it'd take around 40 minutes. But that's still better than my previous attempts, and looks ABSOLUTELY DASHING :D

FUN FACT: these clouds are generated using only two 3-dimensional maps masking an environment fog effect. The idea is quite simple, but what took a lot of research was how to tweak everything to make it realistic and as efficient as possible, with minimal artifacts.

So yeah, the clouds are one of the other things I wanted to start using once I upgrade my computer. C: Totally worth it, but that's not everything I have up my sleeve. :3

On a side note, the upgrade will be delayed a little bit. I was expecting it to happen in less than a month, but due to unfortunate, unexpected expenses, it'll happen somewhere between June and July. Either way, thank you VERY much for your support, you are helping immensely. <3



The Nubus

I guess this is how absolute contentedness looks like. This would make a hell lot of a better motivational picture to put up in out meeting rooms than the one's hanging there. Maybe i can (at least) sneak it into my office :) Great work :))


You are just a huge mystery to me. Some things just don't make sense. I think its only a coincidence. I've been collecting a number of songs that capture <a href="https://soundcloud.com/nyan-strike-1/daoko-girl?in=randochi/sets/whisper" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">whisper singing</a> for a few years. (Just an example of one of my favorites.) My collection is quite small however but I'm glad you could allow me to add another song to that list. There's just something oddly interesting about that tone, whispering, that makes me feel very warm inside. I enjoyed watching and listening. While I watched I imagined floating through clouds. It's nice to see Jinjing-Yu enjoying her time as well. I can only imagine the time it took to make that background architecture. Love the scaffolding appearance. It looks like its still being built. It's got quite a bit of detail that is easy on the eyes. It goes well with the fluffy clouds and the smooth blues of the sky. I hope to see more architecture/ sculptural design like this. Great new cloud techniques. Don't stop being awesome! PS: may just be my computer but the dA stash download link broke. When I press download, the popup happens with a grey background and nothing ever shows up.


Would be a great conversational piece for your office.