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- Hey, Uzu, I had a really cool dream! Wanna hear it?
- I certainly have nothing else to do.
- Good! You ever notice how my mane kinda looks like fire?
- *sigh* Yes, especially during sunset.
- Yeah, so here I was with my mane actually BEING fire!
- Mhm.
- But that's not all! I could also CONTROL fire! Like... throwing fireballs and stuff!
- How original.
- WELL OKAY BUT IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN CONTROL MY DREAMS - not usually anyway - and also it was so cool! Or... well, hot. I guess. I dunno, I couldn't feel the heat.
- I suppose it must have been an interesting feeling of power regardless.
- Very! I burned like all the trees and the shed and it was so much fun!
- I shall have to remember never to let you play with fire. And do not call me Uzu.

So that was a fun piece! Pretty heckin challenging, but def worth it.

Enjoy! :D



The Nubus

Am I the only one hearing „get over here“ when watching the image?


This is the coolest picture of Kebibi you've ever made! I wish I had a large bg of it too to put as a wallpaper. Thanks for making another Anza picture.


No, it's the hottest! :D And yeah, I wish I could make it work in a landscape format. ;3; Glad you like!