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WARNING: contains urethral play.

HOWEVER, bacause I'm a nice tchai, there is also a tame (as in: non-urethral) version attached. C:

And here is her entry:

"So I had this super long chain of anal beads, buuut... they're not satisfying anymore (fixed that by other means, as seen in closeup image). Soooo why not repurpose them?

Since the last time, when I shoved like half of my tail up my peehole, I practiced a lot. Like, A LOT a lot. I even kept my tail inside for a couple of hours, 'cause why not! It was fun! So I figured I was ready for something more. Nyehehe, those beads are like 2 centimeters wide. Stuffing my urethra and bladder with the whole chain took a while, but doing just that felt awesome! Gah, I'll never forget rubbing that bulge (NOTE TO SELF: do that more often).

By tradition (CAUSE IT'S A TRADITION NOW), I left the beads inside and went for a walk. I also took a nap out on the beach. That was nice!

Later I figured I should pull the beads out, but the chain was really long, so I just lied down, hooked the cord on my toe, and quickly straightened my leg... GAH THAT WAS AMAAAAZIIIIING!!! And it left my urethra gaping for a while, which was also something I wanted to see... and play around with. Hehehee.

Well, I'll be practicing more. A LOT MORE. Mmmf..."

The second picture (or scene) in the series where Jinjing-Yu is exploring her possibilities and getting limits outta the way. :3 This one was a bit confusing to make, and slightly complicated, because GENUINE MOTION BLUR LOOK AT THAT. I've been playing around with it in the past, but never used it for anything other than rain. For this, I made a TINY morph target animation. XD And before you ask: no, I can't turn it into a normal animation; a slight motion blur is as much as I can do with this technique, and not even in every possible case at that.

The two attachments contain the normal and tame versions of this pic, both having the full-body shot, and the action closeup(s) in them.

Enjoy! :D




Thank you for the double versions - I prefer the tame one's myself (non-blurred, very cute expressive toes!). Though I do find it really interesting how she's so into it. What really got me about the journal was show she loved the feeling so much that she just left them in there and went about her day! What a smirk she must have been wearing at the beach the whole time.


DAAAMMNN That is HAWT! Love it! gapping pussy and butt hole! <33 my fave! XD


Just Jinjing-Yu things. X3 Now imagine: what if she's doing that sort of thing very often - even in the normal pics I make with her? :3 YOU JUST DON'T KNOW MWAHAHAHAHAAAA Thank you! C: