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I really want to let go of logic. Stop caring about characters belonging only in their own worlds, and about the worlds themselves. Why limit yourself, when you can have more fun otherwise? And when you're having fun, others around you are having fun as well.


Birthday gift for someone who's been a tremendous support for a very long time! :D




*whines* Well um... you already know what I think of this one. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3


Hey there! It's been a while, hasn't it? I don't think I really have anything new to add beyond my previous praise: your attention to detail, form, and composition are still great. But it's been a few months since I'd last made myself known on here, so here we are. I'd love to see more crossover works, and more derivations from the norm. A great way to hone a character is to explore things that they might not otherwise do, or to imagine an 'alternate' version of them. So by all means show us lazy Uzuri, motherly Kebibi, shy Jinjing-yu, musclebound Hjalta, or an actually-exists-and-isn't-invisible Tchai!


ha! You have forced me to make a new folder. I've been saving a few of your pictures based around the characters that show in the image. Today is the day you decided Adreea should meet Kebibi. I'm curious how the meeting went? It appears well since they're all cuddling together. I enjoyed the entanglement of legs and feet. It took me a minute to understand who I was looking at. I swear I thought I saw Uzuri but it was only a trick. Adreea, Jinjing-Yu, and Alasiri Kivuli (She still has that name right or did we just decide that she's now known as Kebibi?) Its also good to see some butts. Too bad there isn't any Adreea butt. Also to hell with logic sometimes!! We don't always need cognition. True artists blend reality to force their viewers into a different perspective they wouldn't otherwise comprehend naturally. You did a really good job today. Great colors. Nice use of Jinjing-Yu's tail to follow the lines.


Yaaaay, thank you! :D And okay, then I'll make an Uzuri lying in bed in her parents' basement, and playing Pokemon on her visibly used DS. Also Korean boyband posters on the walls and a mess everywhere. Also I told a lie, but that would really be a sight to behold. XD To be honest, I don't want my characters to be out of character, but I'll stop avoiding things like putting Uzuri to gether with Jinjing-Yu in some abstract/surreal setting. Hmmmmmmmmm, surrealism...


I dunno, I just put them all together in the image. XD There is no story, no sense - just purpose! THAT'S HOW I WANT TO BE MAKING THINGS. At least sometimes. (also yes, Kebibi's name is still Alasiri Kivuli, but it's not used now; everyone calls her Kebibi) As for Adreea's butt, I'll soon work on something related. C: Many thanks! :D