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- Kebibi, did you take this mask?

- Y-yeah, I'm enjoying its... f-forms!

- Good. But put it back in its place when you are done.

- Ah-kay!

And in case you forgot, this is the mask in all its glory. :3

The full size is attached. Enjoy! :D

P.S. And in this image, we can see Kebibi's oversized clit. 9.9 It's something you can never really see in Anza, and I'm pretty sure this is the first image that actually shows it. If you know don't know about female hyena anatomy: they have a pseudopenis, which is literally a tube vagina made of an oversized clitoris. FANCY INNIT? Well, this Kebibi's bit isn't a tube. It's something like an evolution artifact on its way to becoming what humans have. /secrets

I kinda wish I hadn't done that; it's confusing. XD




Mmm naughty little girl <3


Hur hur... Poor Uzuri - eventually wondering why that mask is developing an odd colouration to the wood on the lower half. And I really love that you actually portray the hyena anatomy accurately. Personally, I think it would certainly add to her sensations. Unbeknownst to most folks, the clitoris is just the tip of a much more elaborate structure in the female's genitalia, so having much more of one exposed certainly allows her some more interesting experiences than other females could have. Also, you KNOW I love how she's gripping it with those super-sexy toes of hers. :3


I been waiting to see this gal get naughty. X3


Oh I was curious if you actually modeled the traditional hyena anatomy. Its not exactly the same but I do remember when you released her first image on dA one or two people were discussing that aspect and how Kebibi's genitals appeared different. I'm actually glad you kept some tradition there by keeping the odd shaped genitals because it shows character. You also know your animal anatomy as well so it makes you a better artist.


Heheh, many thanks! Yeah, I was discussing some ideas with a friend, what could Kebibi do with her relatively exotic anatomy. I don't know if I'll actually do any of it, but the possibilities are intriguing indeed. :3


Yeah, I'm glad I did it differently than just a regular human thing, but I'm not fully convinved if this path was the right one to take. But I'm not complaining; I'm stuck with it. XD And several people are saying it's a good idea, so yeah. Thanks!


Would love to see more of that clit. One could do so much with something like that.