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No, this isn't canon Anza artwork, by all means. XD But I'm posting it for everyone anyway, because YOUR SUPPORT MATTERS EVEN IF IT'S JUST ONE DOLLAR - so here's a bonus just for that. ^.^ Thank you!

This picture is my part of an art trade with the awesome Thalomine! I really enjoyed making it, and it went pretty damn fast! Well, not counting the bathtub, which took like 3 days of work with some several-day-long pauses because I was procrastinating. ._.

Either way, I'm pretty sure this pic has something nice for everyone, so ejnoy! :D

P.S. Pardon this possibly being a bit of a spoiler, because I might make an Anza episode about the bathtub pretty soon. 9.9




Oh my... what a gorgeous view of Kebibi's sole that offers! <_< Okay so not -just- her sole... kind of a lot of gorgeous views going on there but you know where my eyes go first (and third, and fifth...). It's playful in that it really hints at her character too in that it's a very gentle tease - moving her tail just to the side to offer a view, having her hand where it could so easily be casually resting, or, pleasuring a lower breast. Kinda like she could easily make the pose "normal" or "playful" with the slightest of movements. Mmmf... that left footpaw though... wow. Kebibi has one incredibly lovey and detailed sole, that's for sure. ^_^


I was curious about the bathing. Thanks for clearing that up.


And here I was hoping they groomed with their tongues. >///> Speaking of licking, Loving the pose and view. Feels very in character too for her to lazily bask in the sun while playfully washing.


Gosh, you really have that power to make me feel like a better artist than I actually am. XD Like holy crap, this artoiwrk is perfect! Unlike my typing! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT P.S. My eyes do the same thing as yours - first thing, third, fifth, and so on. XD


Wohoho, that would be interesting - especially with Uzuri's super-long tongue! C: But oh well, they're not really animals anymore. It IS tempting to try that, though... 9.9 A few years ago, I had this idea with Adreea "bathing" like that. Maybe I'll do it soon! And I'm very glad you like this piece, thank you! :D


She is so damn beautiful, she is definable my most favourite of your girls!


Which reminds me that I'm not making enough art with her lately. ._. Thank you very much!