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"We need to go deeper." - said the crestie.

And deeper the lizard has gone.

Pardon the misleading thumbnail thingy; I really had no other way of cropping it. XD The full image is attached. ^.^

Enjoy! :D




My god that is so sexy! yummy feet! and tails! <3


Oh my... I see Jinjing-Yu's enjoyment of Adreea's feet has um... upped a level or two in terms of comfort between the two. XD It's cute how it started off very innocent and simple, but kind of makes sense how it would progress to this over time. I like as well that it's still Jinjing who's really directly enjoying the footpaw, but she seems to have found a very playful way of letting Adreea enjoy her exceptionally soft pads. :3

The Nubus

That's a really nice piece. Though it looks like a lot fun in the first place, it might be a hairy situation for Adreea afterwards. But I wouldn't mind helping her out with that :3


When I first saw this tumbnail and looked at the title I was thinking of something like she was pushing herself up with her feet or butt on something, since it said together. I kinda wished it was her and JinJing-Yu pushing their butts together. The idea is ok. Not a fan. But good job on the concept. Another session of playful exploration.


Out of curiosity, are you warming up to the idea of more NSFW work? Or is it the commissioning that directed you this way? I am curious because you've said in the past that the 15$ tier would be rare and that you weren't terribly interested in erotic work. I am not complaining either way, just interested to find out how you have been thinking of this more explicit material as of late.


Haha, I wouldn't really try to find sense and continuity in these pics. X3 Especially since this was a commission. But yeah, I guess it does work here! Either way, glad you like it! ^.^


What, you mean that Jinjing-Yu wouldn't want her to get that tail out? :3 *snrk* Glad you like! :D


Hah, that might be interesting maybe. Also this is a commission, so the idea isn't really mine. I like it tho, haha!


Oh, I just like occasionally making some crazy pr0nz. XD The commissions are only bumping up the amount! At this moment I'm pretty sure I don't have any escessively NSFW ideas planned. But who knows, I might have one in five minutes. XD Aaaand I guess I'm driven by reception. I see people enjoying this NSFW stuff, so why not make more if I don't mind it either?