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Is it me, or do my titles keep getting worse and worse? XD

Dunno if I should post this at dA or not. Sorta unfitting maybe, but I'm really satisfied with it. Blarp. So in case I won't post it, let this be a small bonus for the $1 tier Patrons. :3 Also it's a birthday gift for someone who really deserves it! :D

About to post it in full size for the $5+ tier, too!




wow. very nice


I apologize for not commenting on this one. I particularly liked the artiness. Butts. Yes. I like these Anza styled pieces you've done. Idk how to give a proper art term for them, use of very crisp lines and soft colors. Minimalist I suppose would be what pops in my head (for the background only). I like that you have kept the feet touching theme between Kebibi and Jinjing-Yu. You can see a particular bond when you reproduce this idea through several pieces. Thanks for sharing.


No need to apologize, you're giving me enough already! :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH BY THE WAY IT MEANS SO MUCH ;A; And yeah, I like this background style a lot, too. It's not very time-consuming to make, looks good, and works wonders for compositions! And to be honest, I didn't even realize I already made a pic with those two touching feets. X3 BUT I'M GLAD I DID AND I'M GLAD YOU NOTICED HAHA Many thanks! Also just in case, you've commented on the charge post, with the pic being 50% size; I hope you didn't miss the full one! ^.^