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Oh hey, look! A new name for the cow! This one is final. No, you don't have to remember the whole thing. XD Hjalta will suffice. ^.^ It's an Icelandic one; I'm finally pushing her towards that. I hope you like it!


I did some more work on her face, and, well, last time I checked, I didn't know how to make her any cuter. I think she is now reaching a dangerous level of cute. C:


Overall, she is still missing many details, and lots of technical stuff. But you know what? I feel like I might be able to actually finish her relatively soon! Like, sometime in 2016 ("soon", haha). I can see good progress on her, and I have the energy to continue, which is excellent.

And now...! LINK TIME!

One new thing that's really worth checking out, other than the document, is this simple turntable video of her. :3 NOTE: if you think the video quality is shite (which it most likely is), download the file - it'll be much sharper.

P.S. I'm super proud to say that I know how to correctly pronounce her entire name. C: *actually learns Icelandic; making dreams come true, one baby step at a time*




Actually, nevermind the claims of being generic; you have a great basis for a character here. Enough so that should Anza ever come to a conclusion, I'd not mind seeing a comic of Hjalta enjoying the splendors of Iceland (enjoying a thermal pool, growing bananas, avoiding the swans, and otherwise seeking inspiration for her paintings).


Sorry if I missed it previously, but what is her age range? Face is telling me young and that of a child. Hips and udders tells me adult and possibly a parent or at least bred. Ignoring the chest since its obvious you are going with a natural bovine anatomy with the udder and teats. Sorry for the silly question and over analyzing. Biology and animals was one of my favorite subjects in school, and have a lot of family who raise cattle. Either way, I think she is looking great and can't wait to see her fleshed out and developed further. =)


Yeah, well, I mean she's just a regular cow character number 4623. While instead, I could make something considerably more exotic, like a cyborg secretary bird demon that's also a mercenary working for an organization that secretly controls the world, for instance. But this isn't a complaining tone at all; I'm very happy with where she's going. ^.^ On a side note, these are some fine Icelandic activities you mentioned there. XD But Hjalta alone isn't enough for a comic; I'd have to add another character, and/or have a very strong and unusual theme for her. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. *gets ideas* Anyway, thank you; glad you lke her too! :D


Oh, that's not a silly thing at all! I like when people think about what they're looking at. Anyway, yeah, that's a huge problem of mine. I'm unable to make a cute-looking character without making them look too young. XD I did mention both this and her age in the overview document. C: Her age is deliberately unspecified, but she's in her twenties, I guess! And I'm very glad you like her so far! :D