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I have several things to mention, and I don't want to spam you with millions of posts, so I'll just make a single text wall. /possibly exaggerations [hindsight mode: actually not]

First off, an update on the cow codenamed Aubelle!

I worked on her face a bit, wanted to make her less of a realistic cowface, and more of a semi-realistic cute anthro cowface (also topologically attached her udders and horns). I think it went fantastic! :D See here:

old face A

new face A

old face B

new face B (also with head shape adjusted - the absolutely latest version)

I'll still be working on it, yes, but it's a good change for now.

I'm pretty determined to make her somehow related to Iceland, because I have a great, unending love for that country (and I swear I will move there one day; I need it). She will most likely have an Icelandic name, and she will be living there (maybe in one of those lovely turf houses; would be cool to make an interior, at least). However, I'm not planning to actually create her home area or anything like that, and she won't be limited to where she lives. A lot like Jinjing-Yu and Adreea.

Next, some smaller updates!

I accidentally made another pawsy thing. X3 It's a triptych, sorta. I made the first pic a few months ago, then started the second, but never finished it until a couple of days ago, and then made the third one yesterday. They're pretty simple, but came out quite impressive, I think! I'll post the lot at the start of the next month (as a single post), because I don't want to strain any budgets before The Holidays™. ^~^; IT IS THE ULTIMATE CELEBRATION OF SPENDING AFTER ALL /modern society

I've also started working on the result of the Public Brainstorm Airlines BETA post, and I'm not sure if I should spoil anything, but it's going rather well. I've already got the pose down, and made a nice, Uzuri-style, decorative platter. and a pregnant Uzuri looks so lovely. ;v; Because yes, there will be two variants - a pregnant one, and a regular one. C: I also think I know how to handle the later-mentioned bodypaint! I'll use round shapes, and make them mostly white. NO RED THOUGH. RED AND WHITE IS BAD. NO. Maybe orange. Or maybe just white. I'll experiment!

Remember that [DATA EXPUNGED] thing? It was going very fast, until it stopped because of priorities. XD But all this really means is that I don't have a lot of work left on it, and I will quickly finish it once I get the more important things out of the way! It's coming out quite nice, and I've even managed to fix all the technical issues I had with the mirror and fancy POV. Things are good. And exaggerated. Hurhurhur. The final render will probably take around three hours, though. Not cool, but it's worth it.

I think all that's left to say is that later today, I'll post the next Anza episode, which will wrap this month up! Like a present! B-because... because December.

...Yeah, I'll just- I'll go find the exit. ._.

P.S. I kinda want to make an anthro fawn, because I apparently don't have a lot to do, as you can see. ;A;



Looks very nice, and child-like to me x3


Well fiddlesticks! I have no idea how people make cute characters that still look adult. XD But I'm glad you like her!