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This time by Rain World. And also the surreal number diagram.

Note that these are clay renders, meaning all the objects use the same, very simple shader. There is still much left to do. I've been working on this for about a week, and I expect it to take at least a month. Possibly two.

Because I want to keep it as spoiler-free as possible for now, I won't be answering any questions about it. Might not even reply to comments! But please feel free to share your thoughts and/or insights. C:

Attaching the above images as a zip in case they get compressed horribly.

Enjoy! :D



martin leske

is brown an easier color to calculate? shade? render? also in the last image the tanks(?) look like a face with a blindfold and bound 大


It very much looks like the skeleton of the Notre Dame Cathedral or a roller coaster.