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framed (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 15:11:01 so the great back and forth between Drummer & Ashford in the machine shop? All of it new for TV, none of it was in the book.
2024-02-11 15:11:01 so the great back and forth between Drummer & Ashford in the machine shop? All of it new for TV, none of it was in the book.
2024-02-11 15:11:01 so the great back and forth between Drummer & Ashford in the machine shop? All of it new for TV, none of it was in the book.
2024-02-11 09:33:48 so the great back and forth between Drummer & Ashford in the machine shop? All of it new for TV, none of it was in the book.

so the great back and forth between Drummer & Ashford in the machine shop? All of it new for TV, none of it was in the book.

Alan Sako (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-18 01:37:59 The conversation/singing scene with Drummer and Ashford is very telling about how they have different visions for the Belt. Ashford believes the Belt needs to change, to unify, to become an organized society and government to be accepted by Earth and Mars. Drummer thinks they are who they are, and Earth and Mars need to recognize The Belt as they are now.
2024-02-18 01:37:59 The conversation/singing scene with Drummer and Ashford is very telling about how they have different visions for the Belt. Ashford believes the Belt needs to change, to unify, to become an organized society and government to be accepted by Earth and Mars. Drummer thinks they are who they are, and Earth and Mars need to recognize The Belt as they are now.
2024-02-18 01:37:59 The conversation/singing scene with Drummer and Ashford is very telling about how they have different visions for the Belt. Ashford believes the Belt needs to change, to unify, to become an organized society and government to be accepted by Earth and Mars. Drummer thinks they are who they are, and Earth and Mars need to recognize The Belt as they are now.
2024-02-12 20:52:06 The conversation/singing scene with Drummer and Ashford is very telling about how they have different visions for the Belt. Ashford believes the Belt needs to change, to unify, to become an organized society and government to be accepted by Earth and Mars. Drummer thinks they are who they are, and Earth and Mars need to recognize The Belt as they are now.

The conversation/singing scene with Drummer and Ashford is very telling about how they have different visions for the Belt. Ashford believes the Belt needs to change, to unify, to become an organized society and government to be accepted by Earth and Mars. Drummer thinks they are who they are, and Earth and Mars need to recognize The Belt as they are now.