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This episode never fails to make me bawl my eyes out. She lived a good life, and deserved so much more. It was a beautiful send off for such an amazing character.


So I wasn't really sure if I was going to watch this reaction or not, because TVD just isn't doing it for me anymore and I still have to finish your last TVD reaction (but it's not because of you- you are absolutely awesome and make everything 100 times more entertaining! It's really just me not liking any of the storylines since s4 ended and only feeling luke-warm about the characters at this point) BUT MAN, I am so glad I pressed that play button. Or else I would have missed your beautiful rendition of "Stay". That was the performance of a lifetime. Maybe a new career path for you? ;D Thank you for this. That really made my day :D


So I am 20 minutes into your reaction and the episode is really, really good so far. I am shooketh. Loving the light, friendly banter between Sherrif Forbes and Damon. Probably my favorite friendship on the show. But I assume, she's gonna die this episode...so I'll probably cry mself to sleep tonight. Great :(((


What? Nooo way! I thought it was really funny and - well I would say "cute" but THAT would be cringe and weird, so I'll just stick to "funny" 😄 you should hear me trying (and completely failing) to sing (or rather rap) along to Eminem. I'm honestly surprised that I haven't received a formal complaint from my neighbours yet 😂


It's 5:00am on the dot here, I should already be asleep by now but instead I chose to finish this episode and now I have a pile of tissues lying next to me and a headache from all the crying.


I felt your outro so much. Same, bro, same.


Wish I had seen this comment sooner. Then I wouldn't have watched this episode before going to bed. 😭