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Strap in for another long comment because as per usual I have a lot to say :D This was another great reaction to another great episode! I told you last episode that the actor who's gonna play Finn will be equally as good as Yusuf (that's the actor's name btw ;) ) and I was right, wasn't I? =P So yaaay, we get to keep him! :) And speaking of charachters, their deaths and the actors who play those character. I can't tell you how sad I am about Kol's death. I never muched cared about TVD Kol, because the actor who played him just didn't do it for me. But this Kol, season 2 of TO Kol, was absolutely brilliant. He was equal parts mischievious and loveable. He had awesome chemistry with all the actors, but espcially with Joe (Klaus), Danielle (Davina) and Maisie (new Rebekah). And I could have watched their shared scenes for hours. He and the new Finn made this season so much more special. This season is veeery focused on the Mikaelsons and I honestly think it wouldn't have worked even half as good with the OG actors. So Hayley and Jackson got married. I hated seeing my man Elijah like this. But Hayley's got a point. Elijah never said how he felt about Hayley (probably because he was always too afraid of how Klaus would react. Whenever he did fall in love, it never ended well for him and his paramour thanks to Klaus being a jealous bitch). So it really wasn't fair to decide that NOW - on Hayleys wedding day- is the day to finally profess his love. But him keeping his brother from killing Jackson is a very noble (very Elijah) thing to do. Like Klaus said (I am paraphrasing here, cause I'm too lazy to look up the actual quote lol ) "Admit it, you want him dead as much as I do. Maybe even more." And I think ELijah does. He really does. But because he loves Hayley so much and he knows that Jackon brings her happiness and stability, he won't let Klaus harm him. Oooh and when he's laying out the facts, that Klaus is just afraid that Jackson's gonna be a better father to Hope, Klaus REALLY doesn't like to hear that. It was kind of a low-blow from ELijah. Because Elijah knows very well that one of Klaus' greatest weaknesses is his insecurity. So him calling Klaus out like that...that only could end in someone (and that someone being ELijah) getting hurt. Though I am impressed that Klaus didn't opt for using the dagger but decided to get his revenge in another way. And he got his revenge by inviting Hayley and Jackson to live with them at the compound. He knew how much that would hurt Elijah, living in the same house as them... that smug smile and the way he looked at Elijah when he did his speeceh. He is such a revengeful little bastard :D But like I said, I think him choosing this method of punishment shows his growth. Back in TVD and TO season 1 times he would have daggered ELijah and left him to rot for a couple of decades I loved how Klaus, Elijah and Bex rushed to Kol's side to not let him die alone. To show him that they care about him and are there for him. And poor Davina is absolutely heartbroken. I'm gonna miss those two together. :(( Judging by how the episode ended it seems that we'll soon get introduced to Dahlia. Can't wait for this storyline to really get going :) Oh and I think your "man-crush" on ELijah is one of my highlights of your reaction. I mean, obviously I have a crush on him (which straight/bi woman wouldn't :D ) but an old friend of my dad's (they served in the military together when they were younger) is also man-crushing on him. He's this very tough, masculine 60+ years old guy (obviously straight) and he loves watching TV shows. Whenever he sees me at one of my parents' birthday parties he always immediately waves me over to him so that we can catch up on all the new tv shows we've seen sicne we last saw each other. (Back in the day we really bonded over The Shield). And I recommended TO to him and since our tastes in TV shows are very similiar he gave it a shot. At my mom's 60s birthday party we finally got to talk again and he told me that he had binge watched the whole show in a month and you should have heard him gushing about Elijah. So you are defnitely not alone in your straight man crush :D

Kitty Underwood

I have to assume that the wolves that were at the wedding were all alphas or something, except for Aiden who is obviously there as a close friend of Jackson. Or maybe there's more wolves outside that aren't inside witnessing but are still there so they still get the benefits of the ritual. Even if this isn't true it's my headcanon, because we always see so many wolves even when some of them are getting killed, so there has to be more than just this handful that was at the wedding. Also want to mention how beautiful this wedding was, and how it was all orchestrated by Klaus. Like, did Jackson and Hayley even do any planning at all for their wedding?? Now I'm imagining Klaus and Jackson's grandma got together to do most of it lol