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Amanda Williams

Did you spot the change in the opening credits?


Said you were gonna get everything you asked for. Literally.


I can't say I wanted or needed that episode myself. But I loved that you enjoyed it. Tis why we are all here after all. It does explicitly allude again to the oncoming conflict and ham-fisted the delivery on the attitudes of the two sides. But..... Had they not done it, I'd have likely said there wasn't enough preparation and rushed things, as I have in the past. So you can't win with me. I'd have better connected if the acting wasn't so mundane and rudimentary from like 70% of the cast. Unpopular opinion, but I've never really rated Walter Koenig as an actor. He's definitely stronger when surrounded by more accomplished actors. I am however also very glad they didn't take the route to make him an obvious sleazy cliché.

Phil Rivera

Always a great episode. In a telepath only world, Bester would probably be a very good person. In this one, the telepath struggle against mundanes has twisted him into the best kind of villain. Ruthless and single minded, willing to do anything for his cause, even breaking some rules as long as he knows he won't get caught. It's interesting to see what the Vorlons left us with. In their desire to defeat the Shadows, they gave humanity a gift and a curse. Perhaps something that would have happened naturally in human evolution, but not for millennia, until we were ready. They certainly left a mess.

framed (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 09:41:16 So, in case you or others were unaware, Corps is pronounced Core
2024-01-14 09:41:16 So, in case you or others were unaware, Corps is pronounced Core
2024-01-13 22:23:22 So, in case you or others were unaware, Corps is pronounced Core

So, in case you or others were unaware, Corps is pronounced Core

Ben Bresulla

I had to look up who that female trainee was and she was the one that played the Griswald daughter Audrey in the original National Lampoon Vacation.