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Yes, the new actor for Finn is just as talented as the last, I promise ;)


Sooo, after an absolutely spectacular day/evening out with some of my friends I return home to a new TO and The Shield reaction. And to make it even better- that TO episode you're reacting to is one of my favorite episodes from this season. So this might just be THE perfect day :) I loved your Elijah enthusiasm. :D And omg yes, Elijah doing chores in and around the house (folding that blanket, cleaning that pan, cooking those eggs, hammering nails into wood (he can nail me with his wood any time lol sorry couldn't resist ;D ) is definitely in my top 3 Elijah-phantasies and he doesn't even need to take off his shirt. I think it's even sexier with the shirt on, no suit jacket though, the tie a bit loosened and the sleeves of his dress-shirt casually rolled up. Now THAT is just sexy as hell. Okay, okay, I got a bit sidetracked there :D Back to the episode: I really liked the Klaus/Kol/Rebekah scenes in this episode. The dynamic was just absolutely brilliant. They play off each other so well. The scene in which Kol storms in (with that diamond in hand), confronting Klaus. Kol:"Oh youre angry, are you?? Well join the party, I've been here a thousand years!! I was building this dagger to protect myself against you, Nik. I am not the bad guy in this chapter of our family's story. I'm the wronged, I'm the dead, but never mourned! And whilst you got everything that you wanted, I got a family who didn't care if I lived or I died." And then a bit later that one Klaus line that always cracks me up- because it's such a Klaus thing to say: "I've daggered all of you. All for your own good." Hahahaha the indignation in his voice like "bro, you're not special. I dagger everyone I love. It's how I show that I care. So get over yourself." I love this crazy bastard so much :D :D And I loved that shift in Klaus&Kol's relationship. Kol trusting Klaus and letting him into his mind and Klaus trusting Kol and giving him the white oak and then even offering to Kol to use him as a power-source. Paranoid-" I don't-trust anyone"- Klaus Mikaelson, trusting Kol with his life. This moment was so special. And then Klaus quoting Elijah "Family is power". Awww I just LOVE it!. And speaking of Elijah. Elijah unaliving Finn in the most bad-ass way possible. Finn being so cocky just prattling on and on, mocking Elijah. And Elijah very calmy looking up at Finn: "Let me assure you. My mind is quite clear. Much like the gas, which has pervaded every single room of this home whilst you've been ranting like the lunatic that you are. You...have disgraced this family for the last time. *takes off ring and holds his arm out into the sun* Goodbye, brother." BOOOOOOY this was so SAVAGEEE! I'm sorry, I've written like half a book, but this episode is just soooo awesome and I NEED to talk about it :D


OH I've forgotten to mention Freya. Beautiful, mysterious Freya. What are her intentions. Whose side is she on. We don't know. And I love what you said in your reaction about Freya and Klaus meeting for the first time. "This is what I want to see: "Klaus, this is our sister, Freya." and then Klaus is gonna be like "Grr, I'm Klaus. You dare come to me. You may trick my dim witted sister but you will NOT trick me!" And then he's gonna do some big dick-wagging because that's who Klaus is (ain't that the truth lol) and Freya's gonna show him some power. Some Light flickering, some wind blowing, some bones cracking." Hahaha yeah, that could totally be a scene of The Originals. Can't wait for you to find out if you're close or not ;)

Kitty Underwood

I snorted when you said "They're all in a van or somethin? Down by the river?"

Kitty Underwood

I'm not a big fan of werewolves in general, but yeah the wolves in this show are hella neutered. The wolves in TVD weren't much better past season 2, but they're just boring and weak in TO. Jackson has grown on me as a character in each rewatch though. I can see how he is a good match for Hayley now, even if he is no Elijah


Yeah, I remember when TVD first introduced the werewolves in s2 they were those really cool, really scary and really dangerous "beasts". But in later seasons of TVD and especially on TO they are sooooo lame. I don't know what happened. They could have had such great werewolf storylines but noooo, instead we get little wussys 😭 though I do agree with you, it took me a while, but eventually I did warm up to Jackson. He was a good man and even better husband. (Would still choose Elijah though 🤣)

Kitty Underwood

Yeah Jackson's biggest flaw is just that he's boring tbh lol. He kinda comes off as a wuss just compared to literally everyone else, but if he were a regular human he would be pretty ballsy considering he's willing to stand up to Klaus even though he knows he'll lose. It's just the fact that he's a werewolf that he seems so weak, because werewolves should at least be able to hold their own against other supernatural creatures