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"I am that guy." Maybe the best line of the show! In fact there's a podcast with this actor and one of the show creators, Ty Frank, called "Ty and that Guy." This marks the end of book 2, so strap in for a slight change of tone next week. The first few novels each mixed sci-fi and another genre. Book 1 was a noir detective story, book 2 a political thriller. Book 3... well, that would be a spoiler.


My 2nd favorite part of this one is when Saralah is trying to talk Bobby out of running after the hybrid and Bobby yells at her "Ma'am, for the first time in your life please just shut the fuck up!" in that Australian accent. LOVE IT! I laughed my ass off the 1st time I watched this.


That's my favorite part of the whole series. Murder Snuggles does what he does best.