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I may or may not (I defnitely have) have watched your reaction to that song multiple times. Nostalgia hit you hard, man :D But I get it. I listened to that song a lot when I was younger and still in school. And I was a pretty moody, angsty teen back then. I too get Caroline/Klaus vibes with that song. :) Okay, and now finally on to the actual episode!


I just can't get into the gemini coven storyline. There are too many plotholes for me- or at least things that dont make any sense to me at this point (just like you, I am watching this for the first time. Waaay back when...probably 4 or so years ago... I started watching this episode but stopped after 6x7 and never found the motivation to continue). Here is what I don't get: Why did the coven imprison Kai when they could have just killed him? It's pretty obvious that he is and was a full-blown psychopath. So why just lock him away? I mean the father didn't hesitate this episode to kill Josette (is that her name?) to keep the coven safe. Also, they could let Kai and Bonnie return and just kill him then? This is one major thing that's bugging me. They all seem to be so scared of this guy- but he doesn't have any powers of his own. Bonnie (before getting rid of her magic) could have easily taken him. She is such a powerful witch and as long as Kai doesn't get in contact with her he is no match. I know she can't kill him because he will just resurrect, but she could tie him up, immobilise him or whatever. Same with the flashback, when Kai went on that killing spree...how did a coven of powerful witches get their asses handed to them by their powerless sibling. He obviously wasn't syphoning any magic (because we never saw him use any magic in those scenes...he just ran around with a bat). Josette had the magical strength to hide the twins from Kai but she couldn't use her powers to incapacitate Kai? It just doesn't make a lick of sense to me. I said it before and I'l say it again- TVD isn't really vowing me anymore. It all feels very lackluster, like the writers don't really know where to go with the story. It's a pity really, because TVD s1-4 was absolutely fantastic, quality television!


With the killing spree piece - the witches in the house were his siblings his little siblings so they either were too weak, not old enough/powerful enough to know how to use their magic. The rest of the coven idk where they were they never mention them in this episode, but we see them during the "merge". My guess is that they don't all live together even though they are part of the same coven, so there must not have been anyone around to subdue Kai - this is my guess.