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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

So, in case you couldn't tell from seeing Sophie in this episode, her actress... Gina Bellman, was pregnant during the filming of season two. And when she went on maternity leave, Jeri Ryan was brought into this season to take her place on the team for a time. However, Gina isn't completely gone. Sophie does and will still very much have a strong presence in this show, whether she makes an appearance in the upcoming episodes or not. Jeri Ryan is indeed a great addition to our team! I really enjoy her character a lot. And while I absolutely love Sophie even more, I think Jeri Ryan's, Tara Cole, nails her role as the team's temporary grifter. :) Heidi


I can't believe you left the ads in! HAHAHAHA ROTFLMAO


I was so excited for the twist end as you got more hopeful about Jeri Ryan appearing again. She is great in this! More acting chops than I'd realized from seeing her only in Voyager. And you should watch all of Voyager sometime. I know everyone has different tastes in the golden age Trek shows, and a lot of people seem to think VOY is the worst, but it's my favorite overall. Obviously DS9 has the best interesting gray recurring characters, and there's just something magical about TNG, but VOY being isolated all alone in the Delta Quadrant is my favorite premise for any of the shows. They really go through some shit. I like the main cast overall more than DS9's, and the female main cast more than the female cast of TNG. So, yeah, watch Voyager. 😁 Even if you don't like it as much as the others, I assume you'd still quite enjoy, being the Sci-fi fan you are.