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Kitty Underwood

The actor who plays Finn in this is Yusuf Gatewood, and yes he is excellent. He is briefly in The Umbrella Academy season 2 as well


Yes, this episode is in my opinion the weakest of this season (though next one's also a bit slow- but then it gets good again!) . The whole rescue-Ollie storyline bores me to tears and everything about it from the writing, to the acting, is pretty weak. Especially when you compare it to what TO usually has to offer. Ollie's self-righteous speech in which he claims that he's only ever wanted to help his people- get out of here with your bullshit bro. I'm so glad that he's finally dead. Good riddance, never liked you. Also not nearly enough Elijah in this (and next) episode. But that's because Daniel was double booked. During the same time that he was on TO, he also played a main character on an other show. That's why they had to reduce his screen time on TO for a while. Same in season 1- when they just stuffed him in a coffin. Daniel said in multiple interviews that the first two seasons of TO were extremely exhausting for him, because of the two shows he was on. He had to fly back and forth constantly, didn't reall get any sleep and was overexerting himself. And he said that was taking quite the toll on him and he started struggling with some severe anxiety. After season 2 he decided that he couldn't keep going like this and that's when he decided to ask for his character on the second show to get killed off, so that he could focus on TO. Oh my God yes, I totally agree with you- the werwolves of TO are such a disappointment. Wish I could tell you that they grow and become a bit more ...cool. But nope. But hey, at least we get other cool stuff with other awesome characters. I usually just skip the werwolve scenes on my rewatches lol. They feel like an afterthought- like the writers desperately needed a storyline for Hayley, so they decided to just go with werwolves, because she is- or rather was- one. But then they didn't know what to do with them. Ohhh they finally introduced Dahlia! Can't wait for you to meet her. I'm pretty sure you're gonna like her- I mean, she is a Mikaelson afterall. So you just know that she's gonna be absolutely nuts :D


I loved this episode, it maybe was a little bit slower than the previous one, however I loved seeing the backstory and finding out about Dahlia, I thought ooh that's going to be interesting, and this episode was really exciting to me because of this addition, I had no thought about the family outside of the core nucleus of the Mikelsons so I was excited to see/learn more. Was super cool to meet Klaus's bio dad, I always thought he looked more like Mikael, now that you've met his bio dad - who do you think he looks like more? I guess I can kind of see the resemblance. I liked the conversation scene between Hayley, Jackson and Ansel (bio-dad) when Jackson mentioned the baby, it was interesting to see Ansel's face perk up. In the back of my head I was like oooh Ansel is realizing this is his son's baby mama. Haha! Idk how you will feel about the werewolves overall by the time the show ends, time will tell, people have their own opinions on that of course, so I'm excited to see what your thoughts will be as you continue watching and forming your own opinions of them, and what your favorite episodes of this season will be etc. I have my own thoughts - but I will wait until the recap discussion to share :). Finn's actor - love him! He's fantastic, and I agree about Esther's new actor, she is amazing in this episode and has been great so far. A way better choice than the Cassie girl, it's far more believable/authentic. I look forward to the next reaction!


Yeah, I always thought Klaus looks the most like Mikael out of all the children. But I definitely do see a resemblance between Klaus and Ansel. I loved the beginning and ending of this episode, in which we learn some new things about Esther and the Mikaelson family. Those scenes and the Esther&Klaus confrontation ("YOU CAME FOR MY CHILD! MY DAUGHTER!") were by far my favourite of this episode. Though I did really like the scene between illusion!Elijah and Klaus. Klaus just immediately knowing that this isn't his brother. He knows him so well and isn't fooled by Esther. And I liked Klaus coming to Elijah's rescue. Those were the highlights of this episode for me.


Some really great moments in tis episode just needed less werewolf.