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This was such an awesome episode! Loved seeing more backstory, loved seeing Mikael go wild, and then everyone come together to help Klaus. Oh such a great time. I hope your new/replacement computer doesn't take that long to come in. Great reaction Mega, I look forward to the next one!


Aw that sucks about your GPU being broken. I totally get your frustration. I told you, that this episode is gonna match the last one. Both are just absolute FIRE! I am such a sucker for that red door storyline (as you can probably tell by my profile pic :D ). "You created a place in your mind to put your victims and began to believe that as long as your suit was immaculate and your hands were clean you could look in a mirror and tell yourself it's all okay. No one need know what's behind that red door." I just love the idea of Elijah hiding all the horrible deeds he has done over the last millenia behind a red door- that same door he watched the corpse of his beloved Tatia disappear behind. And it just makes so much sense now why he is always so "buttoned up", wearing his suits, not even a speck of dirt. Why he is always cleaning his hands with his handkerchief after he has killed. It's just fantastic writing. When Hailey came to Elijah's rescue I immediately thought something is off here- because that scene felt kind of over the top. And just like bad-acting. And Daniel is defnitely not a bad actor. So I knew that it couldn't be real. And yup, it was a dream. A lovely little phantasy. And that made sense. :D Oh I agree, Mikael is such a fantastic villain. Definitely my favorite villain of the TVDU. And the actor who plays him is such a sweetheart. Funnily enough I met him and got a photo with him back when I didn't even know about TVD/TO and Mikael lol. I went to see him because of his role on Supernatural which I used to watch. And another kind of funny (though I AM a bit upset about it :D ) element of that story: Joseph (Klaus) was at that exact same con I attended. And because I didn't know of him back then I didn't go to his panel, I didn't get a photo with him and I didn't get his autograph. Whenever I think about that I want to cry- because now I probably won't ever get the chance to meet him in person thanks to my agoraphobia that's grown more and more extreme. Oh well- at least it's kind of a semi interesting story lol Next episode is probably my least favorite of season 2- it slows down considerably and there are some storylines I couldn't care less about honestly. But I guess it's needed to set up future storylines. And the last scene defnitely makes up for some of the weaker scenes throughout that episode :D


Oh and yes, you've heard correctly: TO only gets better (at least until the end of season 3. That's when it climaxes lol). The final of season 2 is just absolutely brilliant and the lead up to it is so fricking intense and season 3 is *chef's kiss* and the that final episode of season 3 is probably the best 45 or so minutes of television and acting I've ever seen. There is one song in particular in that episode, whenever it starts playing on my Spotify list, I immediately get goosebumps

Kitty Underwood

I love how dramatic Mikael is. Like in the flashback for when he came to New Orleans the first time and compelled everyone at the theater, now this with the bonfire party. He loves the theatrics, and that is probably where Klaus got it from even if they're not blood related


haha so true, they are both sooo extra and I love it. It's really quite funny how Klaus is the most like Mikael- in looks and in the way he behaves and acts.