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Jacob Shepley

I think it's episode 7. Hate to be that guy. But I'm excited to watch either way


Blue kyptonite suppresses a Kyptonians earthly powers. It also makes them immune to the effects of green kryptonite. OK, apart from that line being more for the audience, Daniel is a Doctor of Archeology and a Linguist. You wouldn't necessarily expect Sam to know much of anything about ancient Egypt or any other historical society that had zero awareness of EM fields. I was never much a fan of that aspect of the ending either when I first saw it. But it does show another level to the Jack character though. Which could have easily been that very generic military team lead that is mostly one note a lot of the time during an opening of a show. Taking far longer to broaden and flesh out into more of a 3 dimension person. Yes this is episode 7 if you treat the premiere as two parts. Now you have to go back and rename the all. 😉

Ben Levitin

Ya this episode was all about jack and his dead son and wife. Other then that I really have no love for this one. I do remember hearing about how they had to paint all the sand yellow and what a pain in the but that was for that one shot.

K. B.

I don't know where you heard that, but it's total nonsense. No sand was painted, it was filmed in a chemical plant in Vancouver harbor. You can find it on Google if you type in Big yellow sulfur pile Vancouver.