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Jacob Shepley

Even though I hate this episode, I will rewatch it with you Mega lol

Chris Nielsen

I love how they take the time to explain why every planet looks like Canada


I love this Jack, he's a propa G. Two consecutive refused orders and he ops for a joke, about sums him up. I think Richard conditioned playing the role with a far more amiable cander than Kurt's depiction. (No sense of humour, that guy.) Seems a little strange to have such a drastic change in personality in only a year. This Jack even spells his name differently with 2 l's. That might be gag relevant some time, so store that one in the old noggin. Three in one episode. 'We're off to see the wizard' 'To Oz!' 'Any indigenous Lions, Tigers or bears I need to worry about.' "He's a cheap fucksimile' Yep, I'd say you had it right the first time. The dude is a seriously all fucked up. 🤣 I think after time you will warm more to Michael Shanks. The hardest part was to replace Spader. His Reddington is top dollar. But after a while I lost patience with the writing and narrative direction of that show. It became a completionist's chore rather than keen viewership. My fav Spader role will always be Alan Shore opposite Shatner's Denny Crane. Perhaps not the best episode of SG1. But it does somewhat embody the traits and ideals. Overthrowing false gods and balance of ideas. The right decision is sometimes wrong and the wrong decision is sometimes right. Like you, immediately reactionarily chucking her off the team for her 'weakness.' I love that Jack properly counsels his subordinate after tackling that very question after their actions. Which is interesting actually. As the outcome would likely have been very different. His people kill their false god and they turn away from his influence. Sam out right shoots him in the face, and she does reveal a fake, but might also create a martyr figure. All that.... Not bad for an episode that sections of the fandom dislike and encourage newbies that they get better. Even the turds have little gems hiding in them when it comes to SG!