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2023-10-04 08:47:03 "We All Should Listen More" - Mega's Wisdom with a little prodding by Reddington. Great time and why trust in aything you think is more intelligent and tactile than Raymond!
2023-10-03 04:29:48 "We All Should Listen More" - Mega's Wisdom with a little prodding by Reddington. Great time and why trust in aything you think is more intelligent and tactile than Raymond!

"We All Should Listen More" - Mega's Wisdom with a little prodding by Reddington. Great time and why trust in aything you think is more intelligent and tactile than Raymond!


Terrific episode, and it looks like, at least for now, Constantin Rostov is out of our hair. 1. You messing up characters' names is hilarious, don't ever lose that sense of humor. 2. Poor Dembe is not seen much this episode, but for the part in which he is scene it's really touching, He doesn't want to lose his friend. 3. I'm so glad What-her-face is gone. Couldn't stand her. What was her porpuse again, anyway? And she had the nerve saying Liz turned him into a bad person. Isn't it the B that wanted him to use Agnes' blood when he hesitated because of her being too young to handle it? She boasted about sacrificing a child, she is super hypocrite speaking about people's kindness. Good riddance. 4. Kate for sure is plotting something. That woman is preparing for war. 5. Now to the interesting part. Watching this episode for the first time in who knows how long, I am even more postive of many of us have it right. Since anything really deep I say will be super spoilery, let me point these 'dry facts' out: First, right before Kirk injects Red with the needle meant to kill him, before the whisper, Red asks Kirk to talk to him about Katarina, 'cause they both miss her. That's hogwash. Red is not the kind of person to just raise nostalgia for the sake of it, unless it's with Liz or Dembe. That's got to serve another porpuse. Red WANTS Kirk's last thought before he kills him, to be of Katarina. Second, Red was always about phrasing, and how things are said. We know he doesn't lie to Liz, and he tells her in 1x10 that he's NOT her father. Listen again to what he tells Kirk here. Does he tell him he's Liz's father? He chooses his words carefully. And for the last, you said "It's got to be that Katarina's still alive." That will make super sense, right? I would believe it, if NOT for two tiny details- didn't Kirk say that is what he always believed, that she didn't off herself like they all said? Red confirming it will hardly be such a shocker. Not only that, but whatever Red told him made Kirk SPARE Red. So it IMO has to be more than Katarina just being alive. He was shocked to the core and LET HIM GO. Mhm *think-think*.

Blips (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-15 14:59:01 You gotta truly wonder after all Constantin has felt for Red and hated about him forever, what he could say in three sentences that changed it all. (even when he knew he would die if he killed red) Red is truly a man of eloquent speech, guy could have done anything with a normal career. All I can say is this show, truly awesome. Truly.
2023-10-14 05:05:16 You gotta truly wonder after all Constantin has felt for Red and hated about him forever, what he could say in three sentences that changed it all. (even when he knew he would die if he killed red) Red is truly a man of eloquent speech, guy could have done anything with a normal career. All I can say is this show, truly awesome. Truly.

You gotta truly wonder after all Constantin has felt for Red and hated about him forever, what he could say in three sentences that changed it all. (even when he knew he would die if he killed red) Red is truly a man of eloquent speech, guy could have done anything with a normal career. All I can say is this show, truly awesome. Truly.