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Here is the full uncut reaction to the Babylon 5 season 4, episode 7, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





Well, Zack was talking about the Second Coming… and in walk the Three Kings…


*Londo voice* Ahh Mega, my good friend, you are well I take it? Not too, what is it the Earther's say, underneath the weather?

Benno Witter

You see, you started with not knowing what could possible come and now you have a thousand question that show can answer. What more do you want? The fun continues.


Great scifi leaves you with more questions than answers.


B5 is not antigovernment per se, more like antinationalism. Every bad government that we have seen had that in common. Earth government became nationalist and turned inward to dominate. Centaury government became nationalist and turned outward to conquer. Minbari government turned nationalist temporarily and almost lost everything, including their way. Vorlons and Shadows were convinced that their way was right and everyone who disagreed with them had to die. The Markaab turned nationalist and thought they were better than everyone else and they died off. G'Kar saved the Narn government from turning nationalist but had to fight them with everything he had. Nothing good can come out of nationalism.

Phil Rivera

While he did come down hard on Lyta, he had to send her a message. She made a major move on her own that caused a ton of things to be set in motion. I don't think Sheridan would ever turn her in, but he had to show how serious he was and assert that he is still the authority. Whether or not the Vorlon home world has been destroyed in a similar way, we can't know. At the very least, there are left over defenses that will most likely prevent anyone from getting near the place.

Graham Smith

One of the great things with B5 is that no matter how many questions it raises, you know there are always payoffs coming because it was written with the answers already known to JMS way in advance.

Alexandre PGE

I understand your reaction, the episode into the fire also shocked me and the following episode (this), I had trouble watching it, enjoying it (even if it was a great episode!). Then I insisted again, like season 1, and there I discovered that JMS was able to give still a lot of "end of the show" (as you said during the B4 time travel episode 😁), even without the Vorlons and the Shadows... But I really understand your reaction!


Loved that line you said, 'The aftermath of victory.' I've never heard that before. Awesome!

Chryss Guiler

Don't trust the government, and its agencies. I'm right there with you, Mega. And I'm 30 years older than you.