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I just had to watch this episode again. I am still a little in shock.





I wish I could have rewatched this back in the day but it was only on television during it's very 1st run. You lucky bastard.


I probably rewatched this. I watched it from the pilot on broadcast TV. When I fell in love with it somewhere around mid season 1, I was recording them on VHS. And yeah. I rewatched some the same day :)


Look, everyone thinks having 6 genitals is too weird until they try it for a while... just saying.


To reiterate what some have said, Season 4 does move fast due to believing it would be the last year (and after a last minute pickup, parts of S5 have the opposite problem). But the end of the Shadow War was always meant to happen around here, give or take an episode or so. JMS said this might have been a two-parter if he wasn't worried about time. There's still lots of great stuff ahead.


The main reason for having the Shadow War resolution this early in season 4 was because it seemed very likely at the time that the show was going to be cancelled after season 4 and indeed since the end of the Shadow War was never meant to be the end of the show (don't worry, I'll not spoil what was going to be), they sped things up to be able to tell the whole story they had planned. Normally , as indeed 5 seasons had been planned, the end of the Shadow War would have been the end of season 4 and the remainder of the story in season 5.


This is not true. Season 4 was only compressed by about 4-5 episodes, and the end of the Shadow War was always meant to be in the first third. JMS has said exactly where S4 would have originally ended, and it's much later than this, but saying more now would be a spoiler. So I'll point it out when we get there.

Amanda Williams

I watched it when it originally aired on Channel 4 in the UK back in the 90s, so never got to rewatch it until the VHS was released.


Be honest, one of the main reasons is you wanted to wear the outfit again.


Right after watching your first reaction I also checked out that reaction to Hot Shots Part Deux. As soon as he spoke I was like "Andreas?!?!?!" Checked the cast list and sure enough. Didn't recognize him in makeup, but picked up his voice right away. Man was a legend and pops up everywhere.

Graham Smith

Love the rewatch! Such an epic episode, and so ballsy to wrap up something the series had been centered around for so long, but it works really well as things go on. All of the different First One ships (and their races) have really interesting back stories worth looking into later from the expanded universe. One thing to keep in mind (if you haven't already) is that after episode 8 of season 4 you should watch the movie Thirdspace, it fits in there chronologically.


Love Lorian speech about immortality and the gift of a short life


When I first saw this episode yes I wanted to rewatch it right away, but I had to wait for reruns.


Funny enough this just came up again on JMS' Twitter (Mega, don't click this link, minor spoiler): https://twitter.com/straczynski/status/1654319123961376768


You had some questions about 3:30. We had these questions too. By know you know that JMS answers some and left others vague. All I can say, keep watching and remember these questions ;)