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Here is the full uncut reaction to the Blacklist season 3, episode 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Casandra Johnson

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend... and unfortunately Lizzie is at the bottom of the list, and she will do NO CLIMBING as the series goes on...and I'll leave it at that🤣🤣.. and I could devil's advocate and slightly see some of her concerns and thought process in certain situations.... but NEVER her actions in response to any of those situations.


Ok, so I'm going to play the devil's advocate here and say a very unpopular opinion, but really, hear me out. I'll start by saying Liz is actually NOT my least favorite character and/or at the bottom of the list. I have one who's actualy far worse, BUT we've yet to meet this character (we will soon, however) so I don't want to spoil it for you. Things will get much deeper in this show. We're just nibbling at the mythology as for now, much more people we'll come across, some of them God awful, so no, Lizzie is not the worst, I know some will disagree, though. Here comes the unpopular opinion. We all love Red. He's a brilliant character, master criminal, he has charisma, charm, a moral compass of sorts, we'll all want someone like that in our lives. But he is NOT a good person. He lies, both intentionally and by omission... he's a hypocrite on many situations, and he IS a brutal killer. We cannot ignore that. He storms into Liz's life, first by planting Tom there (and not making sure the guy he hired is actually doing his job instead of boinking his mark) and them by actually pushing himself into her world. On the very second episode he tells her that "Did you ever consider the fact that all you know about yourself is a lie?" right before basically saying that "Guess what, I have all the answers, but tough break, I'm not going to give any of them to you (for your own good, of course). Now go be a good girl and take down my enemies for me. If you succeed I'll give you a candy." Dude, then why did you say it to begin with? You could have just told her you're Sam's old pal and leave it at that. On the one hand you keep her constantly in the dark, on the other you can't help but pulling her in. Make up your mind. The AG thing, also depends how you look at it. We have to take to mind that Red is aware of 99% of the things related to Liz. One of things they told us last season is that Liz has the "warrior gene". She's radical in behavior and thinking and has extreme responses to certain cituations. That's a behavior issue that needed to be treated BEFOREHAND. Why do I say it, because again, the AG thing. Liz killed Tom Connolly, bad and stupid move which she had to take responsibility for. BUT, and that's a big but, the reason why any of it happens was because Liz threatened the director back after Red was shot by the Cabal sniper. Technically, they were after HIM, and in trying to save his Life, Liz got settleed with the short end of the stick. The conspiracy led to her confrontation with the AG, the cabal conspiracy. The organization looked for Katarina's child for decades, but it was only after REDDINGTON got into the picture that they got tipped off. Up until Liz's first day, they never got a proof that Masha Rostova even existed. So when Liz blames Red for being the one to put her in danger, She's 100% right. We tend to cut Red a lot of slack and blaming Liz for the trouble she's in, mostly because we find Red to be charming and Let's admit it, Liz behaves like a spoiled brat. But most of her reasonings and claims are spot on. That was long, ha. Sorry.